I Need Help

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The shot glass slammed onto the sticky bar table, remnants of the vile liquid shooting out as laughter fell from Karen's painted lips.

"No no Fog, that's not how that works." she retaliated, her words slurring together as she leaned against the round table. Pouring herself another shot, she was about to throw it back before the liquor sloshed out of the small cup, spilling all across her dress.

"Hey watch where-!"

"Oh shit. I'm so sorry Ma'am. Here, let me grab you a napkin," His deep voice boomed over the music, clearer than the daytime sky as he handed her a couple of napkins. "Please, I am so sorry. I uh..." his apologies were cut off as he met her blue eyes, a smile coming across his lips.

"Please, let me get you another drink," he offered, his lopsided smile capturing Karen's heart.

"Yeah, okay I'll take one."

The man smiled before he held his hand out to her. "Frank."

"Karen." she shook his hand, her head swimming with everything and nothing; this man was far too good looking, and seemed to appear out of nowhere, but she sure as hell wasn't going to protest to a free drink.


"Karen, you just met the guy! You don't even know what he's like! What if he's-" Foggy's words were cut off as he snapped his head towards the door, his smile faltering slightly as he saw Sage limp in, holding onto Matt's arm like she always was.

"A guy? I'm gone for six weeks and Karen all of a sudden has a boyfriend? Maybe the five of us could go to dinner to meet this mystery man." Sage teased, groaning slightly as Matt helped her take her bag off her shoulder. Smiling to her friends, she quickly dropped her smile as she realized they weren't as happy to see her and Matt.

"You two are gone for almost two months, and then show up as if nothing happened? Are we just going to gloss over the fact that Sage is like...a shell of herself?" Foggy yelled, crossing his arms across his chest. Sage's heart dropped into her stomach as she watched as Karen sat on the edge of the desk, her legs dangling over the side.

Swallowing thickly, Sage dropped her hand down Matt's arm, slipping his hand into hers.

Before Foggy or Karen could continue to yell at the pair, a soft knock came to the door before en elderly woman walked in. "Uh Señor Foggy?" She asked in broken English.

"Uh si, si I-"

"Hola, soy Karen. ¿Y usted es?" Karen interrupted, sliding off the desk and quickly greeting the small hispanic woman. The woman smiled as she took Karen's hand in both of hers.

She introduced herself as Mrs. Cardenas, and began to explain how she needed help as her landlords tore up her home, and how some scum was offering her thousands of dollars to move out so that he could demolish her building.

"That sounds like Fisk," Matt whispered, squeezing Sage's hand as she hummed in acknowledgement. Just the mere thought of Fisk and what he had done to her just a few weeks prior made her nervous, causing her heart to race.

"We'll help you Mrs. Cardenas. Do you know the name of your landlord so that we can contact him and start looking into what happened?" Matt asked, stepping forward slightly so as to stand out more to the small woman; although he never once let go of Sage's hand.

"Uh Si Si, his name is Señor Tulley." Handing Matt a business card, he thanked her as Karen ushered her outside, saying something to her in her native language that Foggy and Sage couldn't quite make out. Taking the card from him, Sage made sure Foggy wasn't looking as she planted a kiss to Matt's cheek, smiling as his face flushed momentarily.

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