Day Dream

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"Holy- Sage what happened?!" The barista asked as her and Matt walked into the cafe, her eyes going wide upon seeing the sling wrapped around her body. Smiling sheepishly, Sage handed the barista her card just as she finished placing their order in.

"Well, do you want the cool fake answer, or the actual answer?" she asked, a smirk coming across her lips as the pair made their way to the far side of the counter. The cafe was quiet, more quiet than what it normally was.

"I want the cool fake answer!" The barista yelled over the steamer, the sound of the milk bubbling filling the small cafe.

"Well you know how tampons were originally invented to plug bullet holes? Well I wanted to try it out," she giggled. Matt chuckled as he dropped his head onto his chest; he loved when she was able to make light of such a bad situation. Turning towards her, his smile grew wider as another soft laugh fell from her lips.

"Hey uh, Cora, why is the cafe so empty today?" Sage asked, reaching for the two slices of cinnamon coffee bread. Handing the bag to Matt, she was careful in reaching for the coffees.

"Don't know honestly. Iris thinks it's because of those two masked people running around. No one wants to be out for fear that they'll come for 'em." Cora shrugged as Sage handed Matt his cup full of coffee. Glancing at him, Sage sighed as he stared straight ahead, no emotion to his expressions.

"Well, see you tomorrow Cora." Bidding goodbye to their favorite barista, the pair were slow to make their way out onto the busy streets of Hell's Kitchen.

"What do you think?"

"'Bout what, Flower?"

"The masked people of Hell's Kitchen?" she asked. Matt was silent as he listened to her heart beat. Her beats were steady, but he could smell her adrenaline rising; she was worried, anxious, scared even.

"I don't think we're in danger, Flower. Like you told Karen the other day: we're harmless."

Their walk was quiet after that, both of them lost within their own thoughts. Sage was terrified of what may come if the world found her out; some lonely city girl fighting at night for what? The greater good? To protect the little guy? Hell, she is the little guy, and she got herself shot last night, she should have been more aware of her surrounds.

"How's Sami? I heard something about how you wanna-"

"Nope, no. Not talking about that, Matt," she laughed, shaking her head. Her hair making the air around him smell of mangos, his favorite scent.

A harsh movement caused him and Sage to stumble to the side, his foot slipping off the curb and into the street. "Watch where you're going!" Sage yelled, her heart racing as she yelled at the man.

"Watch it bitch!" he yelled back, his voice was rough, and he smelled heavily of cigarette smoke. Matt knew this guy was bad news.

"Hey man, she's injured. Just watch where you're walking," he tried, his own tone even as he tried to keep the peace.

"Oh so a blind man is now telling me what to do? Come on, what are you gonna do to me?" the man taunted, walking closer to them. Letting go of Matt's arm, Sage stepped between the two men in efforts of keeping him safe.

"Listen, we don't want trouble alright. We just had a rough few days and-" the sound of skin hitting skin rang through the air, a shocked screaming falling from Sage's lips made Matt's blood boil.

Bending down to help her up, Matt didn't say anything he laced his hand within hers. "Come on Flower, let's just get to work," he whispered, already thinking of ways the man would pay later that night.

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