Help Her

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It's been four days since Sage's apartment had gotten broken into, and four days since Matt had gotten so much as a wink of sleep; but tonight, she decided to spend the night at Sami's house, mostly to let her friend know that she was okay. And Matt took full advantage of her being gone.

Crouching on top of one of his favorite roofs, Matt had his hands wrapped around a styrofoam cup of coffee, one he had requested an extra four shots to be put into in efforts of waking him up. He listened intently to the city around him, nothing seeming to happen as he rested his knees and stood. Stretching, he heard his back crack more than once, relief flooding his body.

"Hello Devil," a muffled and sultry voice flooded his senses. Her voice like music to his ears.

"Well hello there Goddess," he said lowly, a smile coming across his tired lips before he kissed the back of her hand. "I've missed . . . our banter."

"Aw, you missed me Devil?" she teased. He could hear the smile in her tone as he chuckled and turned away. Of course he missed her, but he was more than thankful that she was back.

Her hand was still in his, but neither protested as he dragged his gloved thumb across her knuckles. He'd never felt this comfortable around anyone before- well anyone other than Sage.

Sage. Sage Hockley. That woman would be his downfall.

Clearing his throat, he dropped her hand as he rubbed the back of his neck. Sage was always on his mind since the break in, and just the thought of another woman occupying it almost cared him.

"Devil?" she asked, hurt heavy within her tone. His heart broke in two as she said his nickname. He had a thing for her, but just the mere thought of Sage made him feel as if he was cheating on her.

God what he wouldn't give to wrap his arms around her and run his hands through her-

"Devil, I don't have super hearing, but I can clearly hear someone calling for help. Our help," Athena said, interrupting his thoughts that he knew would soon turn a different direction had she not.

She was right; tuning his hearing, he could hear a woman yelling, screaming, and fighting for her life against a couple of men. Turning towards Athena, she was already halfway down the fire escape before he even realized what was happening. Smiling to himself, he followed close behind, trying his best to catch up with her.

"Hello boys," Athena's voice rang through his ears once more, her warmth spreading across his body as he hid around the corner. He knew she could hold her own, but just in case he was always ready to step in.

"Who the fuck are you!?" one of the men yelled, his voice gruff and smelling heavily of tobacco and whiskey. The other man stopped what he was doing as he too turned his attention towards Athena. He too smelled heavy of substances just like his buddy.

Matt's stomach churned at the rancid smell, but he had to stay hidden until he knew Athena needed him.

"Your worst nightmare," she drawled before the sounds of fighting could be heard. He could also hear the frightened crying of the woman who the two men were attacking. Slipping through the shadows, he quickly made way to the frightened woman.

"Hey, hey are you okay?" he asked softly. "You're gonna have to use your words, darling. I uh...I can't see," he laughed lightly, trying to keep the mood light as Athena fought the woman's attackers behind him.

"I...I don't know. They attacked me out of nowhere and I'm alone. I'm new to the city and don't know anyone and i-"

"Well hey, my friend over there. Her name is Athena. She's the sweetest woman you will ever meet but man can she ever pack a punch. And I...well Athena calls me Devil," Just as he said his nickname that Athena had given him, the sounds of her getting hit in the gut floated through his ears.

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