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"I'm the Goddess of Hell's Kitchen. I'm Athena." she pushed out, continuously bouncing her leg up and down as she watched him for a response. She watched as his smile seemed to falter ever so slightly, and his empty hazel eyes were bouncing back and forth almost as if he was connecting mental dots.

"Matty say something please," she pleaded, pulling her hand away from his. His eyes flickered to her face as he gripped her hand tighter, not wanting to let go of her in any way.

"It all makes sense now," he whispered, almost too quietly for the human ear to remotely pick up. Scrunching her face up in confusion, she once again tried to pull away to give herself some space. "The bullet wound, the cuts, the flirting. I should have known it was you by the way you flirted! But I was so stupid and so caught up in-" he cut himself off as his breath seemed to catch in his throat.

Moving his hand away from hers, he slowly brought it up to her shoulder, his fingers ghosting over the spot where he had dug a bullet out of her no more than what felt like a week ago but was more on the five week mark.

"I...I let you get shot?" Tears freely flowed from his honey eyes, his bottom lip jutting out ever so slightly as he thought back to that fateful day.  How she had screamed in pain when he was cleaning it, and how she had screamed harder when he had to dig it out. He could still hear her muffled whines and cries as clearly as he did on that day.

"I...and I wasn't there for you when..." he sniffed and tried to clear his throat, his bottom lip quivering with each word that fell from them. "If I hadn't gotten to you in time, I would have lost you. Sage... I almost lost you."

Sage swallowed thickly; she had been so damn selfish to let him think that her injuries were his fault, when in reality it was her own reckless doing. She hadn't paid close enough attention to her surroundings, and she was paying the price for it.

Standing up, she wrapped her arms around him, allowing him to burying himself within her embrace as he shook with uncontrollable sobs. A few tears escaped her own eyes, her heart thrumming inside her chest as her biggest fears had almost come through if Devil hadn't found her.

"Matty can I make it up to you?" she whispered, running her hands through his hair as his cries finally began to subside. Matt was quiet, thinking as his bloodshot eyes bounced back and forth. Shaking his head, he took her hand and stood as well.

"No it's okay, Flower. But a deal's a deal. I have to tell you my own secret." he sniffed, using the sleeve of his sweatshirt to wipe his nose and eyes once more. She could tell he was hesitant as well; this was something big for him just as hers was.

"I guess we're more than just partners in the law because I'm the Devil of Hell's Kitchen." Sage's jaw dropped; all the times he had kneeled before her, calling her a Goddess and showing her just how smitten he was for her. All the times he had saved her due to his heightened senses and-

"Wait... you're the...I have so many questions." Her mind swam with a million questions, possibilities and scenarios. Does this mean that he's been able to spy on her? And for how long?

"I might be blind, darling, but the accident caused my other senses to be heightened. Like," he paused, his head tilting to the side ever so slightly. "You used organic eggs in the pancakes this morning. And you chew your lips a lot, especially when you're concentrating on something. Every morning you do the same thing, you listen to the same music and walk the same path throughout your apartment, as well as call me at the same time every single day. And me telling you all of this is making your heart race with both anxiety and in anticipation for what I'm going to say next."

She couldn't believe it; there was no way that her blind lawyer friend was also the Devil of Hell's Kitchen, her partner in crime in more ways than one.  She thought back to the night she had gotten shot, how he had cared for her and made sure she was okay as he dug the bullet out of her. She remembered how his hand had intertwined with hers as a way of comfort, and she had felt so much love in that moment.

Gods of Hell's Kitchen (Matt Murdock X OC)Where stories live. Discover now