A New Threat

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The still forming bruises ached as Sage sat up, pushing her arm under her as she tried to gather her senses, and figure out where she was.

Oh- that's right.

Matt's apartment.

Last night was a full blur between fighting what is now becoming The Hand, and a few odd Russians, she had almost been hit by a taxi as she got too far into the street during the fight. The bright yellow car had barrelled towards her, it's lights off as the driver had bailed the car at the last second to prevent himself from getting hurt.

"Good morning Flower," Matt grumbled beside her, his shirt nowhere in sight as she looked over her shoulder at him. Smiling softly, she dropped back down onto the bed and faced him as his empty eyes opened to the fire that consumed his vision.

"Morning Matty," she replied, kissing his cheek as she stared at him. He had a few cuts on his face, two across the top of his left eyebrow and one across his nose- nothing she couldn't patch up.

Since the two had had sex a two weeks ago, it had been a game to her as to how many of his clothes would end up in her apartment, and how many of hers would end up in his. Although she was still unsure of what they were, if they were even a thing or not.

"How are you feeling this morning?" he asked, his hand coming up and pushing a piece of hair away from her face before cupping her cheek and stroked the high point with his thumb. She smiled against his touch, never once knowing what home had felt like until she was with him.

"Sore, but I can manage."

"Good, because we had promised Foggy we would be at work and currently, we're late," he laughed, kissing the tip of her nose before sitting up. A groan leaving his own lips as he pushed himself off the bed. She watched as he limped to the bathroom, remembering how he had gotten hit more than a few times in the ribs.

"Nothing broken?" she asked, chuckling as he held his side. He stopped and cocked his head to the side, breathing deeply a few times. His lips turned downwards as he shook his head.

"Nothing broken. Now come shower with me. You know you want to." He smirked, waiting for her as she weighed her options. Smiling, she threw the covers aside and strided over to him. Wrapping her arms around his torso, she kissed him deeply, continuing to smile into their kiss.

"I could live a thousand lives, and none of them would mean anything unless I had you by my side." He whispered, grabbing her hip and pulled her as close to him as possible. He meant every single word he had just said; no matter what he had done in his life, or what he may do in the future, if he had her by his side, he could do anything.

"Stop being such a sap and let's go shower." she teased, moving away from his embrace as she patted his chest.

Smiling at her, he grabbed her wrist and spun her around and held her in his arms, kissing her passionately as he backed them towards his bathroom. A giggle escaped her lips as he turned the door knob and pushed the cheap wooden door in.

The second they were in the bathroom, he kicked the door shut and pushed her up against it, driving his knee between her thighs as his left hand snaked around her back and grabbed a handful of her hair.

Wrapping his hand around her curls, he pulled lightly. A moan left her parted lips as she pleaded for me, causing his cock twitching within his shorts. Her moans only became louder as he pulled harder, her neck now exposed as he bit down softly on the supple skin in the crook of her neck.

"Matt," The way his name fell from her lips, and how she tangled her hands in his hair, was enough to make him snap.

"Strip. Now." he demanded, pushing his shorts down. Pushing Sage back against the door, he let a low growl rumble through his chest as he felt that she still had some clothes on.

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