Don't Leave Me

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Content Warning: This chapter does get a bit gore-y. A very meaningful fight does take place ;) oh and I hope you like angst hehe

"Listen Z, I might have intel on Fisk, on what he's doing. I can finally expose the bastard and-"

"You think?! What do you mean you think? Sage this isn't some sort of video game where you think you know where the boss is. If you lose a life- that's it. Done. Are you sure about this?" Zaray's voice was tense, her tone sharp as she yelled at her sister over the phone.

Sage knew her sister was right, hell, going after Fisk was a death wish in and of itself.

But she had to do it. She had to do this.

"Z, you know I have to do this. I have to stop this bastard from making Hell's Kitchen worse. He's almost bought the whole city and I just know he pays half these idiots hush money. And I need-"

She was cut off by her sister groaning into the phone, no doubt pinching the bridge of her nose in irritation. "Sage Hockley, I swear to the gods. You don't have to,"

"But I'm going to. And no matter what you say or-"

"What about Matt?"

Sage froze, not realizing she was starting to pace her living room. Her blood ran cold as her mind began to swim with thoughts of Matt; how he would be if this mission went south and she ended up in the hospital- or worse.

Just the thought of him crying over her casket, screaming that this was all a dream and that this wasn't really happening. She imagined how he would refuse to leave her gravesite, just standing there while everyone accepted it and went home. Knowing him, he would only go home due to not having had eaten in days, and he would go to her apartment instead of his.

He would walk in and inhale the way her apartment smelled, reaching for anything to try and keep her close to him; well...memories of her close. He would sleep in her bed for weeks, trying not to cry into her pillow so as to preserve the smell of her shampoo. He would be devastated, and he would become a shell of a human.

Her thoughts began to change as she thought more about him. Everything about him made her smile, from his crooked smile to the way he called her Flower. He was always so...loving towards her, from his soft touches to his kind words.

Like on their last dinner outing, how her hand had somehow ended up idly sitting in his open palm. He never once closed his hand, instead he spun his hand around her, occasionally intertwining their fingers and playing with the rings on her hand. Her heart was racing before he finally locked their hands together and kissed the back of her hand.

Taking a deep breath, Sage pushed it out from between her quivering lips. Now having had sat down on her couch, her free hand gripped the edge of the cushion as a tear slid down her cheek.

"I have to protect Hell's Kitchen, sis. If I don't call you in three days..." Sage trailed off as she tried to not let the tears consume her as they were already choking her. She didn't dare to think of how her own sister would react to her possible death.

"Two days and you take your batons," Zaray tried to bargain, her words almost inaudible, tears no doubt falling down her cheeks as well. Looking up towards her unpainted ceiling, the wooden supports full of dust as a stray rat ran across one of the beams.

"Three days but on the second day you can call Matt. And I'll still take my batons"

"Fine. But Sage," Zaray paused and took a deep and shaky breath. "I love you."

"I love you too sis."


Pulling her suit out of her closet, Sage sucked in a breath as she saw how dark the black was as it was stained with her blood from the night she got shot. She smiled weakly at the memory; the way that Devil took care of her and continued to praise her as he dug the bullet out of her shoulder.

Gods of Hell's Kitchen (Matt Murdock X OC)Where stories live. Discover now