Nice to meet you

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Chapter 1:

Win Metawin grabbed a glass of water off a passing tray and surveyed the room. It was filled with a variety of high class individuals, all clad in expensive clothing and carrying on conversations. Watching as old men fondled the asses of girls young enough to be their grandchildren, while middle-aged woman spewed barely disguised threats at each other, he felt disgust rise up in his throat. Taking a sip from the glass in his hand, Win reprimanded himself. He was on a job. It didn't matter that he could feel his skin threatening to crawl off his body; he should be focusing on his charge.

Refocusing his gaze on his client, he watched as she made her way through the crowd to greet another group of people that had arrived. Tu Tontawan was a rising celebrity who had gained a lot of popularity in the past year, with a couple of successful dramas and a consecutive hit song. But with her popularity had also come threats from disgruntled antis. It made sense: although her series were catchy and her face pretty, Win had yet to see her show any signs of warmth towards the other staff once the cameras stopped rolling. Although, she never seemed to have a problem with Win: she was always pleasant with him. Eventually, when the threats were beginning to be made into reality (in the form of a lighting fixture almost falling on her during one of her fan meetings), she had finally decided to hire herself a personal bodyguard.

That was where Win came in. GMM Securities was a privately owned company that specialized in personal security: jobs ranged from installing cameras into households to body guarding. Of course, most of the jobs were more along the lines of the latter: the clientele at GMM Securities were often high profile individuals who had "rabid fans" or "rabid antis" and expected something more than just the installation of a few cameras. And they got what they paid for. All of the "members" of GMM (a term used by those working there, in reference to the exclusivity of employment at GMM) were extremely qualified at what they did: members came from different facets of the armed forces, intelligence agencies, or were sometimes just pulled out of jail (a fact that meant nothing in the company). But, then again, qualifications were the least of it when the resumes of top war generals were dropped into the trash without a second thought.

Tu had come to GMM Securities for protection. She'd asked (demanded) for the best and that was what she got: Win never boasted, but the reality was that he was good at what he did, and if he wasn't the best field agent, he sure as heck was in the top five. He and Nani, a fellow GMM member who specialized in intelligence work rather than being on the field, had been paired up to complete the case together, with Nani acting as backup to Win. They'd been on the case for two months, however, and Win was getting tired of the shootings and the endless after parties. It had only taken a few weeks to figure out who was behind most of the threats, but Win couldn't make a move until the man actually did something to endanger Tu. And, as luck would have it, the man hadn't done anything bad enough to be locked up for the past two months.

 And, as luck would have it, the man hadn't done anything bad enough to be locked up for the past two months

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Win sighed and signaled for a waiter, dropping off a half-drunk glass. He knew it was wrong to want, but would it hurt for the man to threaten her life for once?

Howl (BW version)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ