You invited me to sleep with you

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Chapter 4:

Win opened his eyes slowly, sleep still threatening to drag him under. He could see the dark sky through the windows, signaling impending rain. Yawning, he blinked a few times, trying to figure out what had woken him up. He'd never been a morning person, always one to sleep in late if the occasion ever arose. After a moment of dazed pondering, he realized his problem: he was too hot. He distinctly remembered turning on the ac before going to bed to save himself the horror of waking up hot and sweaty, but he must have somehow forgotten to switch off the timer button which he usually does to save on electricity. Groaning at the thought of moving, he tried to kick his blanket off, managing to get nowhere even after a few minutes of furious jerking. While he'd been sleeping, it'd somehow wrapped around him in such a way that he'd have to get up to get it off. Giving up, he closed his eyes, deciding to go back to sleep. It wasn't as if the heat was going to kill him anyway—just make it that he'd have to take a cold shower in the middle of a tropical storm.

Burrowing deeper into his bed, he began drifting off when a stray thought entered his mind. For some strange reason, it felt as if most of the heat was centered on his back. Recalling how he'd given Sarawat permission to sleep on the bed, he frowned, he trying to roll away from the source, images of drool covered t-shirts plaguing his mind. He'd only moved a few inches, however, before he stopped. His movement was restricted by something encircling his waist. The heat behind him shifted with a sigh, tugging Win back to his original position. Win kept his body relaxed as his mind snapped to attention. Whoever the hell it was behind him, it sure as hell wasn't Sarawat. The intruder sighed again, throwing another limb over Win's legs, pressing closer to him.

Feigning sleep, Win shifted, throwing his hand near his headboard. Born out of his constant paranoia while on the job, he'd taken to hiding a loaded gun in his headboard in case he ever had to deal crazed stalkers looking for revenge. He'd never actually thought that he'd ever need to use it, but it never hurt to be prepared. Gripping the handle, Win sighed peacefully and snuggled closer. The other person must have awoken because he pressed his nose to Win's hair, inhaling.

His movements were fluid as Win twisted his arm around, getting better access to the other. Pressing his gun into the flesh of the person behind, Win took off the safety, feeling the person tense slightly.

"I suggest you let go and hold out your hands where I can see them," he said quietly, the threat palpable in his tone. Without saying a word, the person released his grip on Win's waist and held his hands out in front of Win. Keeping the nozzle of the gun against the person, Win switched the hand that was holding the gun, twisting around quickly to see his target. His eyes widened.

"Slept well?" Bright asked, a wide smile stretched across his face.

Taking advantage of Win's momentary distraction, he closed his arms around the confused man, attempting to hug him closer. Jerking out of his daze, Win shoved his elbow into Bright's stomach viciously, rolling off the bed as soon as the other released him. Getting to his feet, Win aimed his gun at Bright, who lay on his side, coughing.

"How did you get in here?" Win demanded, his voice calmer than he felt. How had Bright managed to get in? How the hell had he not woken up the minute the other man had climbed into the bed? Why the hell had his guard been down to the point that he'd been about to go back to sleep?

Coughing a moment more, Bright rolled over, the blanket slipping down past his waist in the process. Win kept his eyes trained on Bright's face, not even batting an eyelash at the nude body in front of him. Rubbing his stomach, Bright pouted.

"That really hurt, you know. You could have at least—"

"How did you get in here?" Win repeated, his voice dropping dangerously.

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