A really big dog

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Chapter 3

Win woke to the sound of his phone ringing. Rolling over with a groan, he opened his eyes and glanced at the time. Three in the afternoon. Sitting up, he groggily scratched his head and answered.

"Yeah?" he asked, his jaw stretching wide with a yawn.

"Winnieeeeeee! How could you do this to me?! You finally come back and you can't even call me?"

Wincing at the loud voice, Win pulled his phone away from his ear and glanced at the caller id. He rolled his eyes. He should have realized who was calling.

"I'm doing fine, Green, thanks for asking. How are you doing?"

 How are you doing?"

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"Shut up. How long have you been back?"

Win slipped out of his bed, padding to the bathroom. "I only really got back two days ago."

"Exactly. Two days ago. You have no excuse as to why you couldn't stop off at my floor and say hi to my beautiful face." Green sighed dramatically. "Forget it. I can't expect a man to understand how I feel. They're no good bastards, all of them."

"Hate to break it to you phi, but you're a man too." Win interjected with a grin, washing his hands.

"Yeah, except I'm the shit and the rest of the male population isn't," he said, as if it were obvious."Anyway, I'm coming over after I close down the clinic. Got it? Don't even think about pretending to not be home like you did the last time. If you try that shit, I will hunt you down."

Green hung up without giving Win a chance to respond. Accustomed to Green's bipolar behavior, Win slipped his phone into the waistband of his pants, walking to the kitchen. He and Green went back some years, before Win had become an official member of GMM Securities. They'd met when Win had moved into the building. Green, who lived on the floor below, had seen Win in the elevator and had tried to hit on him. Or, as Win remembered it, Green had turned to him, told him he was hot and that, since he too was hot, they should hook up. Win, who'd been eighteen and had a mouth that didn't exactly wait for his brain to catch up, had smiled and effectively told Green to "fuck off". Green hadn't taken the comment lightly and had then proceeded to teach Win the first of a series of lessons entitled "Ways to Make Green Bitch Slap You."

The next morning, Win had somehow ended up in Green's kitchen cooking pancakes for breakfast.

Win grinned, remembering Green in those days. He'd had shoulder length hair and had truly looked like a girl, with his flashy clothes and bitchy personality, much to the chagrin of the many men who tried to hit on him. Win had had a permanent bad attitude during that time, and a foul mouth which was totally at odds with his innocent face, and Green had proceeded to beat that out of him with cuddles after after every scolding (although, he himself cursed like there was no tomorrow).

Smiling softly at the memory, Win pulled open his fridge in search of food. He felt his good mood disappear at the sight of his empty fridge. He ran a hand through his hair. Of course his fridge was empty. He'd had to clear it out before he'd gone on assignment to prevent the food from going bad. About to close the door, he spotted some plastic wrap sticking out from one of the drawers. Excited, he pulled open the drawer, hoping to find something edible. He frowned as he pulled out a piece of cheese, a color green that he was sure wasn't natural. He dropped it back in its place. The last time he'd eaten had been a late lunch the day before. Hearing his stomach grumble at the memory, he sighed and slammed the fridge door shut. Opening the cupboard doors, he was presented with the same empty space as his fridge.

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