The Contract and the harem

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Chapter 6

Win stared at the tangle of limbs before him, one eyebrow raised. He'd seen a lot of stuff in his line of work, but for a first day, this was definitely... unexpected.

The morning had started off normally enough. As was his custom while on a job, he woke before the sun and went for a run. Shivering as the early morning air hit his skin, he started out at a near sprint, the cool atmosphere piercing his lungs before it had a chance to warm up. He'd learned long ago that one of the drawbacks of being on assignment for a long period of time was the eventual deterioration of his fitness. It wasn't that he sat around in a chair, looking at television screens all-day, but even the act of standing around in the shadows led him to feeling out of shape after a while. So, he'd done the smart thing and sacrificed some of the little sleep he got to wake up early and work out. Even so, running was something he didn't get to do often, which was why he always ran when in between assignments. It was something he enjoyed. It helped to clear his mind, to increase his self control.

It had also helped him to stop his fist from slamming into the faces of more than a few asshole clients.

Reaching his half way point, he turned back, pausing to wait for the 'walk' light. Something out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. It was an ad for some brand of jeans that Win knew was most likely obscenely expensive. But it wasn't the jeans that had caught his interest, it was the back of the model who happened to be wearing them. Bright stood about three times his actual size, clad in nothing but the jeans against a background of the sea, his pose relaxed. Win studied the poster. Somehow, even with only a quarter of his face visible, Bright's broad and smooth back coupled with his tattoos on full display made for a sultry picture. Dragging his eyes away from the sight, Win continued his run, his mind suddenly occupied with his new client.

Just exactly what did he know about the man Bright Vachirawit? After he'd accepted the job, Win had spent his last few days of freedom reading up on his future employer

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Just exactly what did he know about the man Bright Vachirawit? After he'd accepted the job, Win had spent his last few days of freedom reading up on his future employer. Researching the client was something he usually left for his partner (read: Nani) to complete, but considering Bright's problem, Tay had asked that he not tell anyone about this particular assignment. Which meant that Win had had to do all the research on his own (of course, Tay had given him a file on the person in question, but Win still had to fill in some information on his own).

So, what did he know? He knew the basics—Bright's birthday, age, physical measurements, all of the information on his resume—as well as whatever the tabloids and a thorough google search said about him—his playboy ways was the highlight of most of what he read, aside from being bisexual with a viral video of the specific interview in which he admitted that fact as evidence. Being the son of filthy rich parents was also another popular topic which Win decided wryly, might be the result of accumulated wealth over the course of the centuries' lifespan of werewolves.

However, from his limited experience with the model and aside from the important detail that he was a homo lupin, Win knew that there was a lot more that he didn't know about Bright. He wondered just how much of what he didn't know was going to prove important later.

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