Nice to meet you again

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Chapter 2:

Win's jaw cracked loudly as he yawned, stretching backward in an effort to relieve his cramped muscles. Nothing could beat sitting in front of a computer typing up reports after a job. The tediousness. The burning eyes. The sickly pallor that accompanied sitting in front of a computer for hours. The inevitable hunched back from the slow, downward progression of his spine.

Just lovely.

Unfortunately, however, reports were a part of the job (although no one had been kind enough to inform him of this very important aspect when he'd first signed up) and Tay Tawan for all his seeming relaxed attitude, would be damned if Win got away without doing them. Clicking save, Win pushed away from his desk, glancing around furtively. Standing up, he peeked out of his office across the hall. Khaotung's back was to him, focusing on something on his computer screen, headphones plugged in. Seeing First walk past, Win grabbed his windbreaker and slipped it on.

"Going somewhere?"

Win cringed at the sound of Khaotung's voice. Damn it. Just when he thought Khaotung had forgotten about him.

Win turned and looked down at the small man. "I'm going to the bathroom." He raised his eyebrows. "What, I can't even do that?"

Khaotung narrowed his eyes, not trusting Win's explanation, but nodded anyway.

"Hurry up. But—"he stuck out a hand. "—jacket."

Win took off his jacket and handed it over, not hiding his disappointment. It was raining and he didn't have an umbrella. "Can I go now?"


He grimaced, handing it over. Now he'd be wet and poor.

Khaotung stepped aside, allowing Win to pass by, throwing the windbreaker back on a chair.

Feeling Khaotung's eyes on his back as he walked down the hall, Win continued until he entered the bathroom, allowing a small smirk to settle onto his lips. Poor Khaotung. No one liked the task of ensuring that Win finished his reports. After the first attempt, when Win had hijacked the system computers, effectively shutting down the building for three weeks all because Tay had threatened to freeze his field work if "you don't complete the damn report!" the job of ensuring Win's promptness with reports had become a game among the rest of the members. The loser had to face the Win's petty revenge until the report was handed in.

Win shook his head. He really liked Khaotung, even though the man had never cracked a smile at any of the members—in fact, his standoffish demeanor seemed to be the only thing he ever showed anyone. Sometimes, however, Win liked to believe Khaotung was less stiff towards him. They'd both ended up at GMM Securities within a few months of each other and had offices next to each other. Although the man was smaller than most of the agents, he'd ensured that no one over-looked him at GMM, glaring at the first person who'd made a noise resembling "How cute!" (It'd been First, who steadfastly denied that he'd been planning on saying anything of the sort). Not that Khaotung had to worry about anyone belittling him at GMM though. Rather, everyone was afraid of facing him.

Win looked at his reflection the mirror, fixing his hair. Regardless of frigidity, though, it was still a fact that it has hell for anyone to get him to complete his reports.

He smirked.

No way in hell was he going to make it easy for his coworker.

There was the flush of a toilet as First stepped outside one of the stalls. Seeing Win, First grinned in welcome. It was no secret that Win was one of First's favorite people at the company. Though older than Win, he was a junior at the company, only being there for a year after he resigned from his promising career in diplomatic relations. The two tended to get into more trouble than they were worth at times.

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