And it all falls down

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Chapter 15:

"So, we agree to not do anything while at work, yes?"

Win glanced over at Bright, waiting for the lupin's answer. They were on their way to the site of the fashion show Bright was supposed to participate in as the main model. After their... Win shifted in his seat as images from the past two days filtered into his mind. After his inexplicable actions (though, if he were honest with himself, his actions were easily explainable) and his and Bright's following...tryst, Win had forced himself to come to terms with what their relationship really was.

He already knew what Bright saw them as: mates. For life, if the way Bright looked at him and what he'd been told was any indication. For Win, the closest he'd come to naming what they were was "lovers", though he had yet to use the word with Bright. But did he view Bright as someone to spend the rest of his life with? Win pushed the thought out of his mind. He would think about that later. For now, he had to worry about their other, their professional, relationship. He'd have been stupid to keep on insisting that it was purely professional, but that didn't mean he couldn't set some boundaries while they were out.


Bright hummed. "Define what you mean by "not do anything"."

"No unnecessary touching—"

"What if I'm about the faint and I accidentally happen to grab a hold of your—"

"No kissing—"

"What if I have to kiss another model and I don't want to make you jealous so I—"

"No inappropriate comments—"

"Everything can be taken as a sexual innuendo—"

"No telling everyone you meet that we had intercourse—"

"Well, I'd hate to lie if someone asked. Plus, intercourse is such a dry word."

Win glared at Bright. "Are you done?"

Bright grinned. "Yes."

Win watched him a moment longer. "Well? Agree?"

Bright cocked his head. "You never said anything about having sex."

Win slammed on the breaks. Already expecting as much, Bright braced himself, barely jostled by the sudden movement. "Ha. Nice try. I'll have you know that if you damage my face today, a bunch of rabid makeup artists are going to come looking for you."

Win ignored the dig and started driving again. "No. Not even that."

Bright smirked. "Fine. No funny business while at work."

Win kept his eyes focused on the road. "Somehow, I'm having trouble believing you."

Bright laughed. "That's because I have no intention of keeping my promise."

Win nodded slowly. Slamming on the brakes, he watched as Bright flew forward, slamming into the dashboard. Suppressing a smile of triumph, he turned off the car.

"We're here," he said flatly.

Bright looked at him, a betrayed look in his eyes. "You did that on purpose!"

Win looked at him blandly. "Did what?"

Muttering to himself, Bright slipped out of the car and walked into the building, Win right behind him. Stopping only once to have their ID's checked, they entered the backstage room where makeup, hair and dressing would be done. A mass of people were already running around the place, even though the show wouldn't be for a few more hours. Immediately, Bright was whisked away to get ready. Positioning himself by a wall, Win surveyed the room, a little overwhelmed by the excess of color, glitter, and accessories dotting the place. Back when he'd worked for Tu, he'd seen his fair share of weird and bright clothing, but this certainly surpassed that easily.

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