All night long

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//Authors Warning: this chapter is basically the reason for the tags//

//Authors Warning: this chapter is basically the reason for the tags//

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Chapter 10:

Tay was in the midst of getting ready for bed when his phone rang. Drying his head with a towel, he padded over to his bed. Joss lay in it, a dark and silent presence as Tay crawled under the covers, sighing as the familiar warmth welcomed him.

Joss glanced at the phone and pinned him with a look. "Ignore it."

Giving him an apologetic smile, Tay reached over to his bedside stand and picked up his phone. Joss was faster than him, however, his hand flashing out to grab a hold of the electronic piece, his fist closing it and muffling the sound.

"I said to ignore it. We're busy."

Tay reached for Joss's hand, only to find it held out of his reach. He frowned.

"Joss, I can't just ignore my work phone. There could be an emergency that someone needs me to oversee."

"Or it could be that hamster kid calling you again to ask how to make rice. No."






Tay stopped short as his phone ceased ringing. Satisfied with himself, Joss held the offending phone between his fingers, twirling it around.

"See? No emergency."

Tay rolled his eyes and turned over. He hadn't really wanted to answer his phone anyway. After the long day, the hot bath had lulled his into a peaceful drowsiness that he wasn't particularly eager to break if it was First calling again. Closing his eyes, he drew the covers up to his ears.

"Do whatever you want. I don't care. For all you know, that could have been Win calling to say that the Council is attacking and he needs backup."

"If that pup needs backup then he's the wrong person for the job."

"Says a person who—" Tay cracked an eye open and frowned. He sat up. "Do you hear that?"

Joss's gaze was steady as looked him in the eyes. "No."

Tay shushed him, cocking his head. His head swiveled around to look at Joss accusingly. "Wait—is that my other phone?"


"Joss, one phone is fine but you can't hold both my phones—"

The doorbell rang, cutting Tay off mid lecture. Fully awake now, he growled in frustration, throwing off his covers and stomping out his room, ignoring Joss's command that he "get your ass back here". Shivering slightly at the rush of cool air as he opened his door, Tay mumbled under his breath about needing a vacation and most definitely not bringing along certain individuals. The doorbell rang again, three times in quick succession.

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