Rescue without an alpha (Part 1)

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A/N: Needed to divide this into two parts as its super long.

Chapter 17:

"Hello, Khun Metawin," the man said, smiling. "My name is Belial. Would you like a drink of water?"

Win said nothing as the man called Belial stared down at him. The smile on the man's lips didn't touch his eyes at all, the dark orbs cold. He held a glass of what looked like water in his hand, condensation running along the outside of it. The back of Win's throat clenched, reminding him of his thirst, but he ignored it, keeping his eyes trained on Belial.

Seeing that Win wasn't going to answer, Belial sighed. "It's just water. No need to be suspicious. Look—" he brought the glass to his lips and took a mouthful of the liquid, swallowing it. "See? Perfectly safe." He smiled again, bringing the glass to Win's lips. "Come on. Drink up. I know you're thirsty. It's been two days since you've eaten or drank anything."

Win pressed his lips together, refusing to open them. Just because Belial could drink it, didn't mean he could: it would be a simple thing for Belial to walk away and drink an antidote if the water were poisoned. Win would be a fool to drink from the cup.

Belial sighed again and removed the glass from Win's lips. "Fine then. Shall we talk instead?" Resting the glass on the floor, Belial sat beside it and looked up at Win, his position meant to be nonthreatening. Win kept his face impassive.

"You're probably wondering why you're here." Belial paused, waiting for Win to say something. Silence was the only thing that greeted him. "A fair question to ask, in my opinion. The answer is simple: your employer isn't who you think he is."

"I'm sure he's told you many a fanciful story about what he is and who he believes is following him. He's probably already revealed to you that he's a lupin, a werewolf of sorts. He's probably told you that there's a group of people who hunt people like him and kill them. I am part of that group. Yes, we find lupins and remove them from society. But, never without just cause."

Belial paused, letting Win digest his words. Win barely heard him, his mind instead focused on the bonds around his wrists. His arms were behind his back and around the sides of chair so that he couldn't stand without the chair moving with him. He twisted his arm slightly, the bonds tightening as he did so. He stopped moving, not wanting them to tighten any further.

Belial continued. "You see, for all his seeming gentleness now, your employer is a monster responsible for the deaths of many. The only problem is no one in the government can do anything about it. They don't know lupins exist and lupins are so goddamn good at hiding their crimes that they rarely get punished. That's where people like myself come in. We act as the law and put these murderers to death. Do you understand?"

Perfectly, Win thought. He had to clear his throat a couple of times before he could speak. "What does that have to do with me?"

Belial's face became serious. "I'm not one to mince words, Khun Metawin. We've been tracking your employer for some time now. He's charged with the deaths of a number of individuals throughout Thailand in the recent years. So far, he's managed to escape us by going abroad and staying in the public light, where it is significantly harder for us to get to him. He's even brought innocent individuals into the fray." He pointed at Win. "Yes, that means you. He's using you as a shield. The Council forbids the harm of innocent humans and he knows it, that's why he hired a bodyguard, that's why he hired you."

Win's throat itched as he spoke. Damn it all, I could really use some water. "If I'm innocent, then why was I drugged, tied up, and dumped here?"

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