Chapter 3

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*Sal's POV*

I began running back to the guys. I can't stop smiling. They all turned to face me, which interrupted their conversation.

"What are you doing get out there!"Joe says. All the guys look genuinely confused as to why I came over.

"Giving up so easily? Well if you insist!" Murr is quick to follow Joe's question.

"I just came over to show you this." I say holding up my phone with her phone number. "Gots the digits." A part of me couldn't  help but show it off. I mean, when do any of us get a girl to give us their number voluntarily?

"No way!" Q was in total disbelief. I nod and he grabs my phone to check it. He then pulls out his own phone to copy the number.

I demanded my phone back trying to grab it from him. "No, that's not happening!"

Q pushes me away, adding in a few more digits until Murr, who was also trying to get the number, bumps my phone out of Q's hand. It drops to the ground, and I scramble to retrieve it before anyone else can. I didn't care that my phone dropped. After all, the number is safe.

Q chuckles to himself with a faint smile, "Damn so close."

"I didn't even get a chance!" Murr complained.

"I'm pretty sure she's not into beastiality, ferret." Joe cut in, and we all laugh.

Murr only became more aggravated at this.  "I do not look like a ferret!" He screamed, and I swear, heads that were walking twenty feet away turned to look at him. "I- I mean..." He begins to call after them but eventually his words faded out and the passing crowd drew their attention away from Murr.

"Why would she give you her number? Look at her!" Q gestures over to her.

I pick her out immediately in the crowd of their game. She looks so light on her feet, sprinting from one end to the other. The sun reflects off her light brown hair which nearly makes it appear blonde. I almost want to move closer just to see more of her details. The only detail that stayed remarkably definable  was her gorgeous smile that I continue to marvel at.

"Now look at you." He gestures back at me. All three guys pretend to gag at the sight of me.

"Ha ha ha, real funny. But look who ended up with the number." At my remark I notice Q's eyes dart down to my phone.

He appeared a little mad. Is he jealous? No, that's not like Q. He was just joking around like always.

I take my eyes off Q to see Joe and Murr were also still staring at her. At this, I feel a little uncomfortable, why? It's understandable, she's beautiful.

Her laugh lingers in my mind, the most incredible sound I've heard. When she smiled, looking up at me, I immediately felt butterflies. Maybe the sun was still blurring my vision, but her eyes were the most brilliant blue I've ever seen- baby blue with a dark green ring surrounding the outer edge. Her cheeks were bright red from blushing when I caught her. I wonder what I looked like to her? I should of put on my good plad shirt today!

"Sal get back out there and do your job because while she's gorgeous enough to get by on looks, you aren't!" Murr jokes and Joe releases an airy laugh. Even Q smirked at the remark.

I cringed when he called her gorgeous. I knew he was looking at her, and I knew we were thinking the same thing. I push this uncomfortable thought to the back of my head. If there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that I'm not losing this challenge in front of her- even though she must not have known the show. I wonder if she is looking over at me too. Don't look. Don't check. Play it cool.

I push in my glasses and take a deep breath, "Ja Crispy Vulcano is ready". The guys all laugh and tell me never to call myself that again. "Alright Sal here's what you're going to do"

[8 hours later]

We have been filming for eight hours and she hasn't looked over once. Maybe she was just being polite with the offer. I keep telling myself this, but deny myself this depressing truth.

Q might be to right. She's too much of a pretty face for me. Maybe I should just watch him suffer as he strikes out with her instead; but I bet that's exactly what he wants! He wants me to give him that chance. In fact, so does Murr! There's no issue with Joe because he's married. Still, I need to keep my advantage over all of them.

"Sal let's go, we're packing up." Q must want a ride home. I sigh quietly to myself because I was hoping she'd come over again, but she didn't. At least I made it out today pretty well. I wasn't punished. In fact, no one was except Murr. He couldn't pull himself to ask, what looked like a 13 year old girl, how periods work.

I sat in the driver's seat waiting on Q to get in the passenger side. Once he gets in, he kicks his feet up on my dashboard which provokesme to swat at him.


"Off the dashboard you're getting mud everywhere!"

He reluctantly drops his feet and we continue to drive in silence. Q stares out the window and I can see the sun is setting. The streets are crowded this time of night, so the ride is going to be longer than both of us anticipated.

This wasn't a problem but I could feel something was being left unspoken. Q is the first to break the silence, "What's her name?" My eyes dart over at Q who seems genuinely interested and demanding of an answer. What's the harm in telling him? Even so, I barely bring myself to give him such precious information.

"Ashlyn." I say drly. By the way Q stirs in his seat, I can tell he has more to say on the topic.

"She's, uh, she seems pretty cool."

I laughed at how casual he's trying to play this off. "You haven't even met her!"

"No, but I could see and hear everything between you guys. Hell would I say no to a girl who wants to buy me a drink!" He smiles at me and I look away. What is he saying? He still hasn't personally met her! I don't mean to, but something about Q provokes me to become defensive over her.

"Yeah, well I think I'm going to do something with her tomorrow." I see Q's expression drop at this and it was just what I was hoping for.

"Maybe have her swing by set and show her around? I bet she would enjoy it."

"You mean introduce her to you." I knew exactly where he was going with that. He shrugs at me and looks out the window again. A couple more minutes of silence pass until Q turns back to me.

"You like her don't you?"

I stay quiet for a minute. I can feel him looking at me, waiting for an answer. "Uhh, I'm not sure. She seems nice." I say blandly, trying not to sound too over my head for her. But how could I not be? I just hope Q doesn't realize it because he would only try to embarrass me if he knew.

"Uhuh. Then you should really bring her to set tomorrow and introduce us." At those words I felt a pang in my stomache. I'm still trying to introduce me and her, let alone introduce her to Q!

"Oh yeah sure..." I respond in a hushed tone. I see Q smiling out of the corner of my eye. Q is a great friend, so why can't he just lay off this one time?

He grabs my phone out of the shared cup holder before I can snatch it out of his hands. "Here no problem I'll text her!" I would have punched him if I wasn't driving. I hear a buzz of response and a huge smile flashes across his face.

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