Chapter 4

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*Q's POV*

"Here no problem I'll text her!" I say before Sal can grab his phone back. I look over his recently added contacts to see the rest of Ashlyn's number.

Hey we should meet up tomorrow. How's Bertram's bakery off of 49th street at 4?

I hit send quickly, desiring to see her answer. She doesn't realize this, but this is officially out first time talking to each other. I figured introducing myself in person would be better than over text message. Sal's phone buzzes and I immediately look at her reply.

Sounds great! Thanks for catching me today, I can't wait to catch you tomorrow. See you then : )

A huge smile spreads across my face. What a dorky pun. I love it. That's the kind of joke I would make. I feel butterflies at the smile she added, remembering her perfect smile in the park. I would kill to have her smile at me like she smiled at Sal. I couldn't be more jealous that Sal was the one who caught her. She could of fell into my arms, not his, if I chose to go first today. Well at least she didn't fall into Murr's.

Four p.m. tomorrow, that's the beginning of filming. For the second time ever I'm going to want to be the first to go. I put the phone down and begin daydreaming of what would have happened if I went first today.


She falls into my arms as her hair falls perfectly behind her. She looks up at me smiling, releasing a small giggle. Her eyes look into me deeply and she says,

"Q what did she say!"

I was alarmed by the urgency in Sal's voice. "Huh, what?" Now, I was snapped back into reality.

"That's the third time I asked. What did she say?"

"Oh yeah. She said ok." I told him as minimal about the conversation as I could because I wanted it to be personal, something just between me and her.

"She just said, 'OK'?"

"Well, I mean, she said thanks too, I guess."

Sal parks in my drive way and looks over at me, raising an eyebrow. "You guess?" His expression hinted that I was starting to annoy him.

"Uh yeah, I suppose."

"You suppose?" Ok, I'm definitely annoying him.

*Sal's POV*

Why was Q being so secretive about the conversation? It's on my phone so I can just look at it! I wonder if he said something embarrassing about me. I reached for my phone as he steps out of the car.

He leans in the car window. "I'll see you tomorrow, and more importantly I'll see her." He winks at me before going inside his house. I'm infuriated. What did he mean by that! He better not try anything tomorrow, and I swear to God if he said anything bad about me in this text message I'll never forgive him. I open my messages to find that he deleted the conversation.

"He's so fucking frustrating!" I say aloud, although no one is around to hear me. I just decide to leave it alone because there's no way I'm going inside his house. Ugh his cats.

I pull out of the driveway and start to drive home. I need to look good for tomorrow.

*Ashlyn's POV*

The sun was setting as I watched Sal leave the park. Everyone decided to call it a day. We were all exhausted by the end of it, especially me. I lied down on the grass as the rest of the team made out to leave. I stretched out my arms and legs as I spread against the cool grass in the warm evening air. I decided to close my eyes and respond to everyone's departures from down here.

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