Chapter 7

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*Ashlyn's POV*

My stomach aches. But in a weird way, it's nice. I haven't laughed this hard in a while, and this is coming from a person who makes themself laugh on regular occasion. The guys are amazing, and shooting was absolutely terrific! I can't believe I get to be part of an episode!

"I can't believe you made Q do that!" Murr looks at me, still laughing. Sal, I can see, has a smirk on his face looking at the ground shaking his head and Joe has his wide grin on applauding me.

"If he didn't want to." I throw up my hands and grin at Brian.

"I was not asking that man if I've seen him from a gay porno!" Brian yells to defend himself.

I laugh, remembering his reaction from the suggestion. Brian quickly drops his defensive stance and smiles at me. I guess they really don't take this show too personally.

"Hey this was absolutely incredible guys. Thank you so much for allowing me to do this!" I needed them to know how grateful I am.

"Really it's no problem sweetheart!" Murr encourages me.

"For once I agree with Murr, it was our pleasure." Joe adds, speaking for the rest of the group.

I was blushing by this point, guaranteed. I smiled to myself, looking down at my feet. What a sweet group of guys.

"Alright let's go to my house!" Brian announces, grabbing me up around the waste and lifting me up.

He spins me around and I can't help but laugh. Wow he's strong. I find it really attractive that he can do this. It probably would seem a little weird if I just go along with it, so I decide to playfully oppose it.

"Brian put me down!" I squeal in laughter as I pound his back lightly with my fists.

"What's the magic words?" Brian yells over my incoherent sounds.


"Actually it was 'DC is better than Marvel'."

"The hell it is! I'll never say such an acidic phrase!"

Marvel is the shit. DC may have batman and superman but come on, we all know the avengers along with the fantastic four, Spider-Man, the x men, and my favorite super hero, the black panther, makes it the obvious winner.

"Oh well!" Brian yells, spinning me quickly in a circle and finally lets me down.

My eyes roll over in my head and I can't stand straight. I stumble around into Brian and clutch to him tightly. He's the only thing keeping me balanced right now.

"Sorry I didn't mean to make you that dizzy!" His eyes were full of concern as he looked over me.

"Sure you didn't." I reply sarcastically, but I give him a wink so he knows I'm only joking.

After a moment I feel confident enough to stand on my own, and I push myself off of Brian as I no longer required his assistance. When I did this his cheeks flushed red and his eyes were wide. Is he ok? I put little more thought into it as I see the rest of the guys run up to us.

"Q I'm sure she was capable of walking out on her own to the parking lot." Sal gestures to me.

"She's a strong independent woman who don't need no man!" Joe remarks sassily. I bursted out laughing at this.

Joe truly couldn't have done a better impression of a sassy black woman. He smiles deeply, and he appeared happy to have made me laugh. That's adorable how he finds so much pleasure in making other people laugh.

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