Chapter 18

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I braced myself and hit the ball head on. I crossed over to the back of the opposite line, my steps lightly touching the ground. Headers were the last part of our shuttles in our cool down routine. We do it to have a nice end to each practice. Besides, if we don't practice the little touches off the ball then how well will we handle ourselves in important games? Once Jaycie hit her last header I called the practice.

In the locker room, I threw off my shirt and grabbed a fresh one from my bag after applying deodorant. We all change in here after practice and evaluate our performances following games.

"Jeez Toben you always go straight for your phone after practices." I glanced up from my phone to find Jaycie grabbing her bag from the locker across from me.

"Aw sure she hasn't. She's too busy talking to Brian." Sav drags out his name in a jaundiced manner. I scrunch my nose at her as they both share a laugh. After a few more pegs at my expense they abandoned their attempts to find that I was being a good sport about it.

I understand it. I never have been this attached to my phone before, and I've never been this attached to a person before; other then Tyler. Except I find this whole experience different. I find my every nerve placed in anticipation as I await his responses, and every night I'm excited to hear his voice over a call. Three weeks passed and we both fell into a comfortable routine of morning messages, texting continuously throughout the day, and goodnight calls.

I find myself daydreaming nearly every day of the last time I kissed Brian.

The doorman looked at me curiously before granting me a hello as I passed him. I acknowledged him with my own greeting without allowing myself to slow down. I ran to the elevator, excited to see Brian. His face, his smile, his eyes, his voice, all I am about to leave. But I'm determined more then ever to let him know I'm in this to stay.

Soaked by rain, hair in knots, and anticipation trailing my every step, I hopped out of the elevator and into the pent house. I could hear the TV echoing from the living room. I found Q napping on the couch with an episode of Friends on in the background.

A few hairs were swept across his face as I leaned over the couch to softly press my lips to his. He spurred about in that moment and rubbed his eyes. A smile enveloped his lips once he saw my face hovering over his.

"That's a pleasant way to wake up." He said groggily.

His hand tangled into my hair and pulled me into another kiss. His lips sent a tingling sensation pulsing throughout my body. I pulled away from his lips again only to have him attempt to pull me back. I shook my head at him with a giggle.

"Mmm..." He groaned, and I was tempted to succumb to him once more.

I swallowed as much air as I could manage before exhaling the words that suddenly did not want to leave my mouth. "I'm leaving tomorrow."

"Ash lets go." Sav pushed my shoulder and I sent the text that I had been preparing for Q.

I miss you!

I miss you too gorgeous! Guess what, Sal is getting punished again! We're trying to decide what to do to him mwahaha

I giggled at his response provoking Sav to roll her eyes, "What did he say?"

"They're deciding a punishment for Sal. Hey here's an idea, want to watch that?" I texted Q back some ideas.

Sav shook her head, "We're going to watch the quarter finals between Argentina and Germany. Did you forget?"

"Ah right sorry."

"Come on Ash, you've been so forgetful lately. You're not paying as much attention anymore."

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