Chapter 6

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*Q's POV*

The bell chimes and I see her walk through the door. She takes out her earbuds and gives me a small smile before looking up to the menu. As I instinctively take in her beauty I remind myself that this is still a challenge. Would I be willing to make a fool out of myself in front of her?

She looks different from yesterday. Not that it's bad, absolutely not, it's simply overwhelming that she radiates beauty regardless. Yesterday her appearance was sporty and natural, and now I'm equally as breath-taken by her casual apparel and effortless charm. Both are equally as captivating to my eye. I feel weird that I am staring at her, but at least I have an excuse right? I'm just doing my 'job' and waiting for her to order. God I wish my job could just be watching her all day.

In my earpiece I can hear the guys holding a conversation.

"Wait, is that Ashlyn?" Murr asks in disbelief.

"Wow she's even more attractive today." I catch Sal murmur into the head set. I'm not too sure if he meant that for any of our ears.

"Well good luck Q this sounds like an easy round for us." Joe laughs. I suppose they did have to start sometime. He continues, "Ok Q just keep saying the word shwevel and don't stop."

At the moment his words entered my ears, Ashlyns eyes locked into mine.

*Ashlyn's POV*

Wow. I close my mouth, delaying my order. He keeps eye contact with the gentlest gaze, an encouraging smile peaks the ends of his lips.


Uh? The first thing I say is 'uh'? Why am I so socially awkward? I see him drop his head and snicker lightly, the tips of his hair just falling into his face. Of course he laughs at me, I'm such an idiot. I see an attractive face and I can't even bring myself to form words. I take a deep breath and collect my thoughts.

"Arnold Palmer please?"

"Anything for such a lovely girl."

He turns around going into a see-through mini fridge searching for the beverage.

Lovely? I blush at the word and feel myself beginning to smile and incapable of stopping. I don't get complimented a lot, and by this I mean compliments applying to beauty. I always hear my coaches praise me on improvement, fans compliment my skills, and friends compliment my personality. But growing up I can't say I had much exposure to compliments pertaining to beauty. In a way I feel I thrived from this. I learned to not feel the need to receive them and to not care about something so insignificant. I do concede that receiving them now is one of most heartwarming feelings I experience.

As he rummages through the drinks he begins to talk,

"We have this huge shwevel going on. Really cool, all our customers love it."

"Oh really?"

"Shwevel, it's our new thing. Its really catching on."

"And what would that be exactly?"

"Oh you know the shwevel. I shwevel, you shwevel, we all shwevel."

I giggle at his overuse of the word. I'm not quite sure what he's getting at. Would it be embarrassing to tell him I have no idea what he's talking about? I see him look over his shoulder at me, flashing a smile through his scruff. God that scruff is sexy.

"Sure, I shwevel." I lied, and frankly I don't know why I didn't just ask him about it instead of pretending to know.

"You do?" He bangs his head off the top of the refrigerator surprised.

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