Chapter 5

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*Sal's POV*

I had a terrible night. I restlessly tossed and turned on my bed without finding a blink of sleep. I was completely anxious about filming today, and my mind kept me up all night by playing countless scenarios of what Q would do at filming. After ten minutes of lying in bed and staring at the ceiling, I finally pulled myself to my feet to get ready for the day. Today was going to happen no matter what and I shouldn't be late for filming again.

I received a text from Joe while I was tying the laces on my Converses.

Sal, almost here? Remember we need to get our makeup done before filming starts. Are you driving Q?

Q didn't ask for a ride today which is probably for the best; I would have smacked him upside the head if he was bold enough to be in the same enclosed area as me. I was still furious that he deleted the conversation between 'me' and Ashlyn, and the fact that I lost sleep thinking about what he might do today.

Yeah I'll see you in a few minutes. I'm not driving Q

I decided to text Murr and ask if he needed a ride, just in spite of Q. He said that he didn't need a ride because he already beat me there and that I owe him a soda. There's no way that's happening.

It was a short drive to the bakery and I was eager to get inside. As I enter the bakery, I wave to this morning's workers and head towards the back of the shop. Here, I can see everyone on our film team. I greeted them all as I snaked my way to the snack table in the back. I forgot to grab breakfast before I left the house so I nearly dove toward the first bagel I saw.

I found Casey on his phone, in a seat, beside the table. Before I could utter a hello both Joe and Murr rush past me grabbing at the cupcakes and donuts. Casey looks up from his phone and over at Joe and Murr who are beginning to ration out the table between them. He looked at me wide eyed after seeing this. I simply smiled and shook my head in reply.

"Hey Joe! Grabbing a donut?" His eyes fell back down to his phone after he said this.

"Or five?" I add, eyeing up the handfuls of food he's grabbing.

Our remarks seemed to grab the guys' attention and they finally acknowledge both Casey and I.

"Oh, hi! Didn't even see you.  Here want a donut?" Murr motions to the pastries in front of me.

"I'm good. I think I'll just stick to my bagel."

Joe didn't say anything because his mouth was full, but he nodded his head along to what Murr said. I wore a thin smile and looked away. I didn't want them to know I was nervous for today's challenge, but I know Im not any good at hiding it.

Joe finally swallowed and gestured to the coffee machine behind him, "Anyone want me to get them a cup of Joe?"

"Ba dump tsh." Casey mimics a drum set without looking up from his phone.

Murr began to laugh with food in his mouth; and while the two of them earned a smile from me, I was still completely disgusted with Murr.

"Oh close your mouth when you're eating!"

"Yes, mother." We all turn to see it was Q who said this. The rest of the guys laughed, including Casey. I couldn't stop myself from glaring at Q, but he didn't seem too shaken up about it.

Casey stands up and informs all of us that Dan Green wants us to begin shooting soon. We all tell him we will be out as soon as we apply our makeup and put on aprons. Doing this only took about  ten minutes and then we were ready to start.

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