New Feelings - Chapter 7 ("Who knew you were such a compliant boy?")

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Hinata and Tsukishima lay sniffling and coughing in bed together, feeling miserable. The day at Karasuno High just wasn't the same without Hinata's vibrant remarks, shut down by Tsukishima's logical rebuttals.

 Kageyama and Yamaguchi were tasked with going to the store to buy their favourite food for their boyfriends. As they walked through the aisles, Kageyama couldn't resist teasing Yamaguchi about his cute freckles.

"Your face is like a constellation," Kageyama remarked, smiling mischievously.

Yamaguchi blushed and tried to hide his face. "Stop it, Tobio. You're embarrassing me."

But Kageyama just leaned in and kissed Yamaguchi, his lips soft and warm. "I can't help it. I just love how cute you can be, Tadashi"

Yamaguchi couldn't help but smile. "Well you have those adorable blueberry eyes, which i'd lay my life out for."

Kageyama looked at him with surprise, then a grin spread across his face. "You think so? I guess that's why I'm your King, huh?"

 Yamaguchi smiled softly. "Yeah, I do. They're beautiful, Tobio." he remarked sheepishly, knowing he was going to be teased further.

You know, Yama, you're like a real-life polka-dot," he said with a smirking, his voice low and sly.

Yamaguchi rolled his eyes, but he couldn't hide the smile that tugged at the corners of his lips. "You're just saying that because you think it's cute," he retorted playfully.

Kageyama chuckled. "Of course I think it's cute. You're my little Yam..." 

Yamaguchi was utterly flustered, unable to get a single word in.

The teasing continued as they made their way through the store, playfully bickering over which flavor of meatbuns to get and whether they should also get some Pocky.

They bought the meatbuns and strawberry shortcake, then headed back to Hinata and Tsukishima's apartment. When they arrived, Yamaguchi was covered in marks and kisses from Kageyama's affectionate teasing.

Tsukishima looked over at Yamaguchi and couldn't help but chuckle. "Looks like someone had fun while we were sick in bed," he teased, nodding towards the marks and kisses on Yamaguchi's neck and cheeks.

Hinata joined in on the teasing, giggling as he poked at one of the marks. "Who knew you were such a compliant boy Yama-chan?"

Yamaguchi blushed and tried to push them away. "Shut up, guys! It's not like that," he protested.

Kageyama, who had been smirking this whole time, spoke up. "Oh, really? Then what is it like, Yamaguchi?" he teased, leaning in close to Yamaguchi's face.

Yamaguchi rolled his eyes and shoved Kageyama away. "It's nothing, just some playful teasing," he said, trying to play it cool.

Tsukishima raised an eyebrow. "Playful teasing, huh? Sounds like there's more to the story," he said, grinning mischievously.

Hinata nodded in agreement. "Yeah, spill the beans, Yamaguchi. We won't judge," he said, winking at Yamaguchi.

Kageyama just leaned back in his chair with a satisfied smirk, enjoying the show.

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