New Feelings - Chapter 14 ("I needed some tough love to get back on track.")

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After weeks of being handcuffed to his bed, Tadashi began to see some progress in his weight loss journey. With the help of his loving boyfriends, he slowly started to incorporate healthier eating habits and exercise routines into his daily routine.

Kageyama, Hinata, and Tsukishima were there every step of the way, encouraging Tadashi and pushing him to keep going. They cooked healthy meals together and went for walks in the park, enjoying each other's company and the fresh air.

Tadashi's hard work paid off and he eventually reached a healthy weight. He was able to enjoy activities he once thought were impossible, like playing volleyball with his friends.

The four of them sat down one evening, reflecting on their journey together. Tadashi thanked his boyfriends for their tough love and support, admitting that he wouldn't have been able to do it without them.

Hinata, Kageyama, and Tsukishima smiled, proud of Tadashi's accomplishment and grateful for the bond they had formed throughout the process. They knew that they would continue to support each other, no matter what challenges came their way. The Tadashi saga was finally over.

Tadashi was finally going back to Karasuno High after his journey to regain his health. As he packed his bag with excitement, he was joined by his boyfriends Hinata, Kageyama, and Tsukishima.

Hinata was the most enthusiastic of the three, practically bouncing around the room. "I can't believe you're finally going back to school, Tadashi! We're going to be a complete team again!" he exclaimed, throwing his arms around Tadashi in a tight hug.

Kageyama nodded in agreement, a small smile on his face. "It'll be good to have you back on the court, Tadashi. You've worked really hard to get here."

Tsukishima added, "Yeah, don't think we're going to go easy on you just because you're recovering. We still expect you to give your best effort."

Tadashi grinned at the three of them, feeling grateful and happy to be surrounded by such supportive partners. "Thank you guys. I couldn't have done it without your help."

As they made their way to the school, Hinata continued to chatter excitedly about all the games they were going to win now that Tadashi was back in action. Kageyama and Tsukishima shared a small smile, happy to see Hinata so fired up.

Tadashi felt a sense of belonging as he walked with his boyfriends to the place where he had made so many fond memories with his teammates. He knew that with his boyfriends by his side, he could face any challenge and come out on top.

As they walked into Karasuno High School, Tadashi couldn't help but feel a bit nervous about seeing his teammates again after being absent for several weeks.

One of his teammates, Nishinoya, was the first to approach him. "Tadashi! Where have you been? We've missed you at practice."

Tadashi took a deep breath and replied, "I had some personal issues I needed to work out, but I'm back now and ready to play!"

The rest of the team gathered around, all asking questions and expressing their excitement to have Tadashi back on the court with them.

Hinata, who was practically bouncing with excitement, said, "You have no idea how happy we are to have you back, Tadashi! We missed you so much!"

Kageyama, who was always more reserved with his emotions, simply nodded in agreement.

Tsukishima, however, couldn't resist teasing Tadashi a bit. "You better not let yourself go like that again, or we'll have to handcuff you to the bed again," he joked.

Tadashi rolled his eyes but couldn't help but smile. He was so grateful to have such supportive and loving boyfriends, and he knew that with their help, he could overcome any obstacle that came his way.

As the Karasuno team gathered around Tadashi, he nervously shifted his weight from one foot to another. The team had noticed his absence and were curious about where he had been.

Sugawara was the first to speak up, "Tadashi, what happened to you? Why are you in handcuffs?" he asked, his tone laced with concern.

Tadashi took a deep breath and looked at his teammates, "I know this looks bad, but it was for my own good. I was struggling with my health, and I needed some tough love to get back on track."

Asahi couldn't believe what he was hearing, "Handcuffs? Really? That's extreme," he said, looking at Tadashi's boyfriends.

Kageyama stepped forward, "We did what we had to do to help Tadashi. He was on a dangerous path, and we couldn't stand by and watch him destroy himself."

Tsukishima chimed in, "It wasn't easy, but Tadashi needed to be held accountable for his actions. And he's made incredible progress since then."

Hinata, who had been standing quietly until now, couldn't contain his excitement, he ran up behind Tadashi and gave him his signature bear-hug.

Tadashi smiled back at his team, feeling overwhelmed with emotion, "I missed you guys too," he said, his voice cracking a little.

Daichi, the captain, stepped forward, "We're all happy to have you back, Tadashi. And we're proud of you for taking charge of your health."

Tadashi felt a surge of gratitude towards his team and his boyfriends, "Thank you all so much. I'm looking forward to getting back on the court with you guys," he said, feeling a sense of belonging that he had missed for so long.

The team surrounded Tadashi, welcoming him back with open arms, and the sound of laughter and chatter filled the gym once again.

Hinata bounced up and down with excitement. "We've been taking care of him and helping him get healthy!" he exclaimed.

Tsukishima crossed his arms and spoke up. "Yeah, we've been making sure he doesn't stuff his face with junk food all the time."

The Karasuno team looked at Tadashi with a mix of surprise and concern. Tanaka spoke up first. "What do you mean 'taking care of him'?"

Kageyama sighed and explained. "He's been struggling with his weight, and we wanted to help him get back on track. So we handcuffed him to his bed."

The team's jaws dropped in unison. "You did what?!" Nishinoya exclaimed.

 "That explains the handcuffs.." Sugawara chuckles..

Tadashi blushed, feeling embarrassed by the whole situation. "It's not as bad as it sounds," he said quietly.

"We were just trying to help," Hinata added, his enthusiasm fading as he sensed the team's disapproval.

The team fell silent for a few moments, processing the information. Finally, Daichi spoke up. "Well, we're glad to see you back, Yamaguchi. And we're glad you had friends looking out for you."

The boyfriends' shared a loving glance, knowing they were far more than friends.

Tadashi felt a sense of relief wash over him. He was glad to be back with his teammates, and he was grateful for his boyfriends' support. As the team continued to welcome him back, Tadashi couldn't help but feel grateful for the people in his life who cared for him, even when he was at his lowest.

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