New Feelings - Chapter 8 ("Tadashi and the Losers")

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It was a typical day at Karasuno High, or at least it seemed to be, until the teacher announced a new project to the class.

"Today, I have an announcement for all of you. Karasuno High School is hosting a talent show next month, and I want each class to prepare something for it. You can sing, dance, or do anything else that showcases your talent. But, there's a catch. You must do it in groups, and I have randomly selected the groups."

Everyone in the class started talking among themselves, curious about who they would be working with. The boyfriends, sitting together as usual, all looked at each other with a mix of excitement and confusion.

"Kageyama, Hinata, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi, you four will be working together. You'll need to create a band and perform at the talent show."

The four of them looked at each other, unsure of what to say. It was a strange combination, considering none of them had any musical talent.

Tsukishima spoke up first, "A band? That's ridiculous. We can't even carry a tune."

Kageyama added, "Yeah, and we have volleyball practice every day. When are we supposed to find time for this?"

Hinata, always the optimist, said, "Come on guys, it'll be fun! We'll learn something new and perform in front of the whole school. We'll be like rockstars!"

Yamaguchi nodded in agreement, "I think it's a great opportunity to do something different."

Tadashi, the mediator of the group, chimed in, "Maybe we could try it out and see how it goes. We don't have to commit to it if we don't like it."

Kageyama sighed, "Fine, but we're not calling ourselves a band. That's too embarrassing."

Hinata laughed, "Yeah, we'll be like...the 'Karasuno Crew'!"

Tsukishima rolled his eyes, "That's even worse."

The group started to brainstorm ideas, discussing who would play what instruments and what kind of music they wanted to play. They all had different opinions and ideas, but somehow they managed to come up with a plan.

Over the next few weeks, they practiced during their lunch breaks and after school. They struggled and they knew that they were better at volleyball than music. Yamaguchi was amateur on the electric guitar, while Kageyama's rhythm on the drums was second-rate. Hinata's vocals were unacceptable, and Tsukishima couldn't even manage on the triangle..

As the talent show approached, they started to feel nervous. They had never performed in front of such a large crowd before, especially in something they had no prior experience doing....

Kageyama tried to calm everyone down, "Don't worry, we got this. We're the Karasuno Crew, remember?"

Tsukishima smirked, "Oh great, now we're going to embarrass ourselves with that name."

Hinata laughed, "Hey, it's better than 'Tadashi and the Losers'!"

Yamaguchi playfully punched him in the arm, "Hey!"

The night of the talent show arrived, and they all stood backstage, waiting for their turn to perform. The nerves were starting to get to them, but they could hear the crowd cheering and laughing for the previous terrible acts, like Sugawara Asashi and Daichi's incredibly hilarious failure at a ballet recital, or Tanaka and Noya's embarrassing 'rap' battle, or even Kiyoko and Yachi's boring 'magic' show. All the acts were dissatisfactory and Karasuno High's 'talent' show felt more like a circus. Karasuno was viciously beaten by every other school in Japan in terms of talent in anything other than Volleyball.

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