New Feelings - Chapter 15 ("Is everyone okay?")

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The four boyfriends walked into their classroom at Karasuno High and took their seats, chatting amiably amongst themselves.

Hinata spoke up first, "Hey, do you guys remember the time Kageyama vomited all over me on the bus ride to our first away game?"

Kageyama turned red and muttered, "Shut up, Hinata. That was a long time ago."

Tsukishima rolled his eyes, "You two never change. Always bringing up embarrassing moments from the past."

Tadashi laughed, "Yeah, but that was a classic one. We were all huddled on that tiny bus, and suddenly there was vomit everywhere. Good thing I was at the back."

Hinata continued, "Remember the time we made a band together for the school festival? Our name was Karasuno Crew but people called us Tadashi and the losers...."

Tsukishima smirked, "Yeah, and we were terrible. But at least we had fun."

"We were literally booed off stage, because you couldn't even play the tambourine!" Tadashi remarks, turning red resisting laughter.

Kageyama added, "And remember when we made a food truck for fundraising? Hinata you were trash at both cooking and customer service."

"Oh stop projecting.. boke" Hinata retorted..

Kageyama scowled at the reminder but couldn't help but chuckle at the memory. "Okay, fine. But let's not forget the time we tried to sell milk and no one agreed to open up the milk truck" he shot back, trying to deflect the attention.

Tsukishima raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me, but that was your idea, Kageyama. And it was terrible."

Tadashi laughed, "That was a great idea, and we made a lot of money for the team."

Tsukishima added, "And the time we visited Bokuto, Akaashi, and Kuroo in Tokyo. We had so much fun sitting on their couch, talking about polyamory."

Hinata exclaimed, "Yeah, and we even got to see Bokuto hungover...."

The four of them continued to reminisce about their past adventures, and the normalcy of the morning felt like a breath of fresh air.

The four boys were calmly sitting in class, listening to their teacher's lecture on history when suddenly, a deafening siren began to blare. The lights flickered for a moment, and then everything was plunged into darkness. A glitchy video from the Japanese government began to play on the whiteboard.

"Attention citizens of Japan," the robotic voice from the video began, "this is not a drill. We are currently under attack. Please seek shelter immediately."

Tadashi's heart raced as he looked around at his boyfriends, all of them now fully alert and wide-eyed with fear. All of them except Hinata, who usually took long, heavy naps during class to substitute his lack of sleep at home for gaming or practicing volleyball.

"What do we do?" Tsukishima exclaimed, his voice barely above a whisper.

Kageyama's eyes darted around the classroom, searching for a way out. "We need to find shelter. Now."

Tsukishima stood up, his eyes fixed on the video. "This can't be happening. We need to get out of here."

As the emergency siren blared and the grim 1950s nuclear war safety film played on the whiteboard, the four boys remained frozen in their seats. They listened to the glitchy government video about the potential dangers of nuclear warfare and how to protect themselves in the event of an attack.

Tadashi, Kageyama, and Tsukishima exchanged looks of horror as they watched the grainy footage of mushroom clouds and destruction. The voiceover was calm and collected, but the boys could hear the underlying fear in the speaker's voice.

For a few moments, the room was silent except for the blaring siren and the sound of the video. Then, Tadashi suddenly spoke up.

"Guys, what do we do? Do we need to get to a shelter or something?"

Kageyama shook his head. "I don't know. I've never been in this situation before."

Tsukishima spoke up, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "Well, we could always hide under our desks like they did in the 50s."

Tadashi looked at him, his eyes wide with fear. "Is that really the best idea?"

Kageyama stood up abruptly. "We should probably get out of here. It's not safe to stay in one place for too long."

As the video continued to play and the emergency siren blared, the boys were frantically trying to wake Hinata up. They shook him and called his name, but he remained unresponsive. Kageyama, not wanting to waste any more time, scooped Hinata up in his arms and led his boyfriends out towards the hallways.

The hallway was chaos. Students were running around, trying to figure out what was happening. Some were crying, others were shouting. The boys made their way through the crowd, trying to keep Hinata safe in Kageyama's arms.

Tsukishima looked around, trying to figure out where to go. He spotted a teacher waving for them to come to a nearby classroom. They rushed in and found themselves surrounded by other students and teachers, all huddled together in fear.

Kageyama placed Hinata gently on the ground and the boys all huddled together, trying to make sense of the situation. The video on the whiteboard was still playing, showing images of destruction and death. It was hard to believe that this was happening in real life.

As the video ended, the boys looked at each other in silence. They didn't know what to say. They were all scared, but they knew they had to stick together.

"We need to find a safe place," Tsukishima finally spoke up. "Somewhere we can ride this out."

Kageyama nodded in agreement. "Let's go to my house. My parents have a basement."

Kageyama ran through the hallway with Hinata in his arms, his heart pounding in his chest as the national emergency siren blared in the background. Tsukishima and Tadashi followed close behind, their eyes wide with fear.

"Come on, we need to get out of here," Kageyama shouted over the blaring siren. "We have to find somewhere safe!"

The four of them sprinted down the hallway, weaving through students and teachers who were also trying to evacuate the building. The robotic message from the government of Japan continued to blare over the loudspeaker, warning everyone of the incoming attack.

As they reached the end of the hallway, they saw a set of stairs leading down to the first floor. Kageyama didn't even hesitate, he rushed down the stairs with Hinata still in his arms, and Tsukishima and Tadashi following close behind.

When they reached the first floor, the message from the government of Japan was still playing, and the siren was still blaring. But the boys could see a faint light at the end of the hallway, and they knew it was their way out.

They ran towards the light, their hearts pounding in their chests. As they burst through the door, they were hit with a blast of fresh air, and the noise from the siren was suddenly silenced.

They all stopped and looked around, breathing heavily. Hinata was still unconscious in Kageyama's arms.

"Is everyone okay?" Tadashi asked, looking around at his boyfriends.

Kageyama nodded. "We're all okay. We need to find somewhere safe, and we need to find out what's going on."

Tsukishima checked his phone and saw that there were reports of a nuclear attack on the Miyagi Prefecture. He didn't want to alarm the others, so he kept the news to himself for the time being.

"Let's go," he said, leading the way down the street.

The three of them ran towards safety, not knowing what was going to happen next. But they were together, and that was all that mattered.

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