New Feelings - Chapter 9 ("you're worse boke")

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It was just another ordinary day at Karasuno High School, or so they thought. The four boyfriends, Kageyama, Hinata, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi, were on their way to their usual after-school practice when they were stopped by Daichi and Suga.

"Hey guys, we need to talk," said Daichi in a serious tone.

The four of them looked at each other, wondering what could be so important.

"Karasuno High Volleyball is out of money and can no longer operate," said Suga, continuing where Daichi left off.

The four boys were stunned. This couldn't be happening. Volleyball was their passion, their life.

"What can we do to help?" asked Yamaguchi.

Kiyoko, who was standing behind Daichi and Suga, spoke up. "I suggest we start a fundraiser for the Volleyball club."

Kageyama, always trying to be the practical one but always ended up sounding like an idiot, suggested, "We could sell lukewarm milk?"

The other members of the team laughed, including the boyfriends. Milk? That was a terrible idea.

As soon as Kageyama suggested selling milk as a fundraiser for the volleyball club, the entire room erupted in laughter.

Tanaka burst out, "Bro, what? Who wants to buy hot milk from a volleyball team?"

Nishinoya chimed in, "Yeah, I'd rather buy milk from a hillbilly cow than a bunch of sweaty volleyball players."

Hinata added, "Tobio, do you even know how to milk a cow?"

Tsukishima quipped, "I don't think he even knows where milk comes from."

Asahi chuckled and said, "I mean, it's a bold strategy, Kageyama, but I don't think it'll work."

Even Suga, who was usually the more polite and encouraging one, couldn't help but snicker, "Sorry, Kageyama, but I don't think milk is going to cut it."

Kiyoko simply raised an eyebrow and said, "I don't think we're in the dairy business, Kageyama."

Feeling embarrassed and frustrated, Kageyama slumped down in his seat and muttered, "Fine, forget it then."

But the teasing didn't stop there. As they brainstormed other fundraising ideas, the others would throw in jokes about milk or cows, making Kageyama even more flustered.

In the end, they settled on a food truck and the group split up into teams to plan their menu and strategy. Kageyama was grateful for the change of topic, but couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance every time someone mentioned milk or cows.

Hinata desperately wanted to sell meat buns, while Tsukishima was set on selling strawberry shortcake. But Yamaguchi had another idea.

"What about fries? Everyone loves fries," he said.

The other three looked at each other, considering it. "Fries it is," they said in unison.

The four of them got to work on setting up their food truck, but they quickly realized that they had no idea what they were doing. 

As soon as Hinata puts on the apron, his teammates burst into laughter.

Tsukishima chuckles, "You look like a cute little malewife, Hinata."

Kageyama joins in, "Yeah, you could cook for us every day."

Nishinoya quips, "I bet he's a better cook than Kageyama!" Which earnt him an intimidating glare from the King of the Court himself.

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