New Feelings - Chapter 12 "Yamaguchi, you can't keep skipping practice"

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Yamaguchi had always been a fan of fries, but lately, he had developed an addiction to soggy ones. He loved the way the slightly mushy texture mixed with the salty flavor, and he found himself craving them more and more.

One day, when he showed up to volleyball practice, he had a small bag of fries with him. Hinata and Kageyama noticed immediately.

"What's that?" Hinata asked, eyeing the bag.

"Fries," Yamaguchi replied, popping one into his mouth.

Kageyama wrinkled his nose. "They're soggy," he pointed out.

"I know," Yamaguchi said, his eyes lighting up. "They're the best kind."

Hinata and Kageyama exchanged a glance, but didn't say anything. However, as the days went on, Yamaguchi's fry addiction only seemed to get worse.

Soon, he was bringing a bag of soggy fries to every practice, and would spend the entire time munching away on them instead of focusing on the game.

"Yamaguchi, can you put those away?" Tsukishima finally snapped one day. "We're trying to practice here."

Yamaguchi hesitated, his hand halfway to his mouth. "But they're so good," he whined.

"Come on, man," Kageyama added. "We need you to focus."

Yamaguchi sighed, but reluctantly tucked the bag away in his backpack. "Fine," he muttered. "But I'm not happy about it."

As the weeks went on, Yamaguchi's fry addiction only seemed to get worse. He started skipping volleyball practice altogether, claiming that he needed to go to a fast-food joint to get his fry fix.

"I can't go to volleyball today," he told Kageyama over the phone one afternoon. "I have to go to McDonald's."

"What? No, you don't," Kageyama protested. "Just bring your own fries."

"But they won't be the same," Yamaguchi whined. "I need the real thing."

Kageyama sighed, feeling frustrated. "Yamaguchi, you can't keep skipping practice because of your fries."

"But they're so good," Yamaguchi protested. "I can't help it."

Kageyama knew that arguing with him was pointless. Yamaguchi was stubborn, and once he had his mind set on something, there was no changing it.

"Fine," he said finally. "But if you don't show up to practice tomorrow, we're going to have a problem."

Yamaguchi hesitated, but then sighed. "Okay, I'll be there," he promised.

Kageyama hung up the phone, feeling exasperated. He loved Yamaguchi, but his fry addiction was getting out of control. He just hoped that he would be able to get it under control before it started to affect their volleyball team.

As Yamaguchi sat on his couch, he mindlessly munched on yet another basket of soggy fries from his favorite fast-food restaurant. He had been doing this for days now, barely moving from his spot except to grab more food or use the bathroom. The once fit and active volleyball player had let himself go, and it was beginning to show. He had gained over 60 pounds, his clothes were tight, and he felt sluggish and lethargic all the time.

Despite the physical discomfort, Yamaguchi couldn't stop himself from eating. The salty, greasy fries were a comfort to him, a distraction from the problems in his life. But as he reached for another handful, he couldn't ignore the growing sense of guilt and shame that came with his addiction. He knew he was hurting himself, both physically and mentally, but he couldn't seem to stop.

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