Blood in The Water

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Back again and again, too many times to count really. Alhaitham described it as the Sun painting a large yellow mark over his back.

It dripped like an open wound and stung like an annoying scratch. He couldn't help but poke and tear at it until it reopened and scabbed over dozens of times.

Yet it didn't become a scar, instead, it bled for all that it could. Repainted, pulled, and picked. Torn and thrown away, healed and wounded. A never-ending cycle between the Sun and the Moon.

A few months had passed since the incident, and following that were multiple deadly interactions of him narrowly missing the teeth of that bloodthirsty dog.

The glass sitting in his grip swayed the wine endlessly, a smirk curling on his lip as he leaned back against the wall. Watching his monstrous target enjoying women and men to their highest extent.

An abundance of people danced and chattered around the tables that laid out blood, the intense rotting aroma came off every surface.

He watched as some licked their cherry-red fingers as if the leftovers were sweet. He had gotten used to the smells a long time ago, but of course, he felt the disgust boiling in his chest.

Standing in a room with vampires use to scare him, but now it was nothing like watching vermin play. If he was being completely honest with himself, he had been standing there for a good hour.

Attempting to recover a plan to kill the host of the masquerade, tricky it was, but there was nothing that could keep him from completing the mission. Not with his dumb luck.

Being lost in his thoughts, he hadn't realized a tall figure approaching him.

His gaze turned, and with the widening of his own eyes, he made a try to step back, only to forget that he was practically up against the wall already.

"Is that who I believe it is? Kaveh, I would assume there's no reason to guess what you're business is here."

His tone was low, growling like a male wolf threatening a fellow member. His eyes were narrowed down, his clothes elegantly matching the perfection in his crested eyes.

Kaveh braced a smile as he pretended to relax, letting off an inconsistent voice.

"Ah, oh well I guess not! But, I guess then I have a full right to assume that you'll try to stop me."

Kaveh began to walk past him without another thought, he honestly expected the man to have reported him from the first look.

But whatever his intentions, it wasn't to have Kaveh end up dead. At least not yet, right at their shoulders, Alhaitham placed a tight grip over his shoulder, halting him in place. There was a moment of silence,

"I've thought it over, although I don't appreciate party crashers. This one isn't particularly a favorite, not to mention the fact that the host is someone I quite frankly despise."

A few seconds passed before Kaveh turned back around, and their eyes met with intense contact as Kaveh lifted into a wild grin. Surprise settled in his chest but he didn't mind, of course, the more he thought it over he realized there might be some terms to being helped out.

"You're saying you'd like to help me? As if I need any assistance from a vampire, for all I know you could betray me on the spot."

Kaveh sounded confident at his conclusion, but Alhaitham wasn't as pleased. His nose wrinkled while frowning further, he never actually smiled.

"Would I have approached you for nothing? This is a deal, not one of your silly games. Which, speaking of those. A punctured lung is a bitch to heal, you owe me."

Alhaitham leaned his head down intimidatingly, his eyes turning to a burning red as if trying to take control over his mind. Kaveh rolled his own eyes, did he forget that he was a hunter?

Tricks like those only worked on regular humans, but oddly enough he appeared to consistently check with them each time they reconciled with one another.

His eyes trailed away from Kaveh for a brief moment, his way of rolling his eyes without making it obvious.

"I owe you? Did you forget that you and I are both enemies, born from different patches. I kill you, you kill me. That's how it works, I owe you nothing."

Kaveh swallowed the rest of his alcohol down with a single gulp, Alhaitham watched as his Addams apple bounced up and down.

How he took his hand and wiped the residue off his mouth, gently sticking it to the top of his hand. He raised his arms and folded them sternly,

"You will after I help you, but first you need to take these off. Compliments to the inventor, I do wonder who made them."

Kaveh raised a brow in confusion before Alhaitham moved his hand over to touch his ear. Fingers gently caressing down to feel one of his earrings.

The touch tickled, and Kaveh forced down any giggle he had in him. Burning his ears red he quickly shooed away his hand appearing stubborn.

"They hide your scent perfectly with vampire blood, but if you get too close I could smell past any wall you've put up."

Alhaitham demonstrated for himself as he stepped forward, smelling closer to Kaveh's neck. So much so he could feel the tickle of his breath, Kaveh moved away untrusting to whether he would attempt at biting or not.

"I made these myself thank you very much, but why would I need to take them off?"

Kaveh cracked his knuckles aimlessly, his gaze turning away almost uninterested in the conversation as a whole. Alhaitham couldn't help but roll his eyes completely, he figured it was obvious but not.

"You'll be for what we could call, bait. I lead you with the host, as a dish for their liking. Once you both are alone, you and I will erase his existence and leave.

This is their party, so they call first dibs privately no matter what. It gives you and me a perfect opening to attack, and if anything goes haywire I'll step in."

Kaveh raised a hand under his chin to ponder the plan over, his brows furrowed at the mention of him being bait. But he figured it only made sense.

Everything was in order, well, everything except for the owed payment afterward. By the time he raised his gaze, a small grin grew on Alhaitham's lip.

He let out a long sigh and gestured with one hand, knowing full well that the man could read his mind with a single look.

"Nobody but you has gotten away from me, I'd like to take a few sips is all. Not to mention that this city is overrun with drug addicts and slobs, but you're in such perfect health that the blood your body makes is high quality. You don't run into a lot of that here."

Kaveh knew that his health was both a blessing and a curse, most if not all hunters were top-quality blood.

But of course, getting a hold of something such as that is dangerous, not many vampires take the risk unless they're stupid, or highly skilled.

In this case, Alhaitham's chance was an accident, although Kaveh wouldn't doubt that he had the power to take advantage of a hunter.

"Fine, fine! It's a deal, but you cannot kill me. Nor try to hand me around to other disgusting creatures."

Kaveh put his hand out for Alhaitham to shake. He chuckled briefly and took it with firm strength, suddenly pulling Kaveh closer as he leaned in.

"I don't like sharing."

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