Dancing with A Devil

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"You don't appear to be scared, do you realize that I will kill you?"

Their eyes were like a vaporwave of madness, spinning the crescent moon shining in their malicious pupils.

Placing one strong hand on Kaveh's arm he was beginning to have enough, he let out a long sigh and stared up at the vampire.

He was rather, tired of this interaction, half of him worried that Alhaitham would play a waiting game with him. Kaveh reached his hand over and caressed the vampires, a smirk curling on his lip.

"You play with your food, I can tell. At least before I die, I'd like to have some fun."

The vampire chuckled softly, their hand moving up and over Kaveh's shoulder before grabbing hold of his chin.

They felt cold, in a terrifying sense. They carefully pressed his head back against the wall before dragging their index finger down his throat.

Their nails left red and scratched moving down, but Kaveh was completely at ease with the whole situation.

If Alhaitham played him like a joke, he figured putting on a show would entertain the silent masses waiting downstairs.

Kaveh slowly reached up and grabbed the host's wrist, pulling it behind his own head and taking a step forward.

He entangled his fingers around their neck while leading them around the room, a romantic but burning dance. The vampire appeared pleased with this 'game' as they followed.

He stopped suddenly, his hands slightly tightening around their tie.

He could feel their hands crawl up into the slit of his white shirt.

They caressed his spine and were moving down, Kaveh couldn't help but shudder at the cold touch.

Before things could move along any further, a haunting silence filled the air upon Kaveh noticing an open window.

His head turned back around only to hear a low grunt from his host, who of which was impaled by a wooden stake through the heart.

Kaveh jumped out of the way as their body faltered into dust. Alhaitham stood behind the mess, his gaze traveling over to Kaveh. He folded his arms sternly as if scolding a child,

"I'd rather not watch you seduce a vampire, you have no pride."

Kaveh rolled his eyes and fixed his shirt, shaking off the touch he felt earlier before putting his hand out to Alhaitham.

"You took too long, what else was I supposed to do?"

"Cutting down a piece of wood isn't a quick job, you would've been fine just standing there."

Kaveh let out a long sigh as he quickly approached the window, they were high up in this large mansion.

Kaveh began to snatch around blankets and clothes to tie so he could escape this place, they were in a rush.

At any minute somebody could be coming up here to check on the Host. Alhaitham watched as he pitifully gathered supplies, he walked over and groaned annoyed.

"We'll be caught by the time you finish."

From there he reached his arms under Kaveh, lifting him up into a bridal carry.

He panicked for a moment in the hold, but eventually calmed down when he realized the other option was falling over 100ft.

Alhaitham jumped out the window and landed a few meters away from the mansion itself. He picked up his paste through the forest, still holding Kaveh close to him on the way.

His bright red eyes shone a path, after a few minutes he slowed and continued to walk. Kaveh relaxed a bit, honestly, he preferred this to walking on his own.

He reeled his head back and let out a long sigh, Alhaitham stared down at him for a moment before scoffing.

"What is it now?! You carry me, then comment on it like a royal fool. Remember I can always go back on this deal we made, speaking of. Where do you plan on taking me?"

Kaveh cleared his throat, upon looking around he had almost forgotten that they were some ways away from the actual city.

Alhaitham narrowed his eyes before looking back up, staring in the straight direction they were both leading into.

"A hotel, preferably a good one."

Kaveh groaned loudly, his hands going limp to the sides to make things purposefully difficult for Alhaitham to carry. He then folded them and closed his eyes,

"Ugh, it's going to take forever before we get there!"

Alhaitham arched his brow, now glancing back down at him suspiciously.

"You sound as though you want me to suck your blood out. I hope you realize that I could do it right now, where nobody could hear you scream."

Alhaitham's lip moved up into a sly smirk at Kaveh's widened eyes. He almost wanted to laugh, but that would've given it all away. He then shook his head lightly to reassure him.

"I'm only teasing, although the smell coming off of you is starting to make me dizzy. Pray we get there in time."

He teased again, Kaveh cleared his throat and turned his head away from Alhaitham.

"Maybe if I would've grabbed my car, we could have been there by now."

Alhaitham laughed out loud, he appeared amused by the statement. His gaze turned away as he commented.

"That rust bucket you call a car? I hope this offends you, but a snail could outrun that old thing."

Kaveh nearly jumped out of his arms in a single struggle as he began to call him out loudly, pointing a finger up his chin annoyingly.

"Excuse you! If you've forgotten that thing ran your ass out by miles!"

Alhaitham rolled his eyes, blowing out a puff of air before chuckling. He continued to hold Kaveh as he walked down the forest grounds, loud chatter admitted from them both going off and on. It would be a surprise if they weren't caught already.

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