Two Face

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"Gatorade, I suppose this will have to do for your energy. I believe they have a menu as well. Are you interested?"

Alhaitham asked with a raised brow, Kaveh appeared uninterested. Or to say the least, out of it, his mind felt fuzzy, and often he found himself wandering off to pass out. If it weren't for Alhaitham, he likely would have gone out by now. At that exact minute, Kaveh's head leaned to the side and he shut his eyes.

Only to feel Alhaitham's cool hand caress his cheek, it made his eyes shoot back open. As result, he withdrew his hand and continued to scan the menu. Kaveh felt the blood rise to his head in an instant, they were ignoring the past hour as if nothing had even happened. Of course, this made the tension feel as thick as ice. So cold you nearly felt ablaze, aside from the sore pain he felt at the side of his neck. He shrugged,

"Whatever, hotel desert wouldn't even be contested for a one-star review. You should just leave, our deal is through anyway."

Kaveh attempted to shrug things off with a simple excuse, I'd be better if Alhaitham were to leave immediately. The atmosphere felt suffocating, but even then he wouldn't budge. His shoulders moved up then back down again as he sighed. He placed down the menu and turned fully to Kaveh.

"If I don't kill you myself, then I'd at least be responsible for keeping you alive afterward. You're my favorite meal, can't have it going extinct."

He exclaimed with a warm honey dew voice, although for Kaveh this felt chilling to his spine. He shook his head refusing this, Kaveh felt the need to establish a perfect understanding that he could easily take care of himself. Even in a state such as this, Alhaitham stood up from the stool he pulled over earlier. He approached the bedside where Kaveh lay, his eyes widened and his pupils shrank.

He wasn't scared, he never was! Not of a vampire nor any beast, so why was his heart racing out of his chest? Alhaitham's lips turned up into a wickedly beautiful smile. Striking fear, but also enchantment. He sat himself down on the bed, one of Kaveh's legs gently pushed up against his back.

"Besides, I still need one thing from you."

He stated gently. Kaveh's head tilted slightly as he looked up at him.

"A few bites and that was it. Aren't we done?"

His tone was stern, but it did not even push Alhaitham as he slowly took something out of his right pocket. It was his cellphone, and from there he gently traced his finger atop the screen. Keeping that devilish smile before he lifted it to Kaveh's face.

"I would say smile, but I appreciate the blushing look you have going on. Just stay still for me."

Kaveh nearly felt himself listening to Alhaitham's demands, but the moment he realized what he was doing it was already too late. After the pictures were taken and saved, he crossed his arms and roughly nudged Alhaitham's back with his left leg.

"And what do you plan on using those photos for huh? It wasn't part of the deal!"

He shouted irritatedly, Alhaitham's reaction wasn't much. He appeared to care any less by that simple statement, and with a gentle shrug he smiled again and said.

"You never told me no. It's too late now, but if you'd like to know. I often like to look back on my victims, especially those I enjoy the most."

Another chill ran up Kaveh's spine, he couldn't help it. For him, this was like instinct whenever words truly caught his back. Luckily his face was already flushed from blood loss, his head felt dizzy.

And he began to feel almost nauseous, Alhaitham appeared to notice this as he leaned down towards Kaveh. Tracing his hand over his forehead, gave him a sense of cool as the temperatures were completely different. Warm blood, cool soul, it was nice when one was overheating.

"A fever."

Alhaitham mumbled lightly under his breath. He took the cold icy Gatorade and gently put it over his forehead to help him cool off. Kaveh didn't seem to mind as he just lay there, his eyes closed and his breathing heavy.

Beads of sweat appeared on his brow, and the intense heat overwhelming his body was uncomfortable. He shifted slightly in bed, but that only agitated his bite wounds. He winced, causing Alhaitham to react rationally by holding his head in place and whispering in his ear.

"Could you fight me off now? Like this, sick and burning. Loss of blood and weak legs, it's almost too sweet not to let go."

There was a sense of tease in his voice, but Kaveh couldn't be sure of that. His muscles tensed and his eyes shot back open. He reached his hand up and gripped Alhaitham's wrist tightly, he forced his upper half to raise as he gave him a stern look to show power.

He felt that if he continued to look so helpless in front of someone like this it could easily get him killed. Deal or not, contracts could always be one-sided. Alhaitham chuckled briefly before giving him a sincere look, his eyes softening.

"I was only bluffing, I wouldn't hurt you like this. I'd feel too guilty afterward, rest well, Kaveh."

He smirked, Kaveh's brows furrowed, but he could feel his grip weakening. His body forced him to lay back down as his eyes wavered to a close. He hadn't fallen asleep just yet, which was why he could feel cool slim hands caressing his face before slowly moving toward his neck. They touched at his bite wounds, feeling the engravings of skin and bruised muscle.

This surprisingly didn't hurt, it felt almost like a message with a strange electric feeling to it. The hands left, and the opening and closing of a door sounded before he drifted off into sleep.

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