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"'That vampire I ran into the other week showed up again, he keeps targeting me everywhere I go. But I have to admit, the look on his face each time he loses me by an inch is hilarious.' So you like to mock me in your notes? This must've been the first time you mentioned me..."

Alhaitham exclaimed with a short chuckle, Kaveh was only just regaining his sense when he heard him. He gradually realized he lay comfortably on a soft bed, his fingers twitching at the material laying underneath him.

His upper body felt like it was on fire, burning with purple and black bruises. As if a bunch of rats decided to aim for his heart, not only this but he noticed how his head spun around the room. Although the lights were dimmed heavily, it still blurred his head with an intense migraine.

He felt unconsciously awake, as though he weren't truly present, but rather sitting at the back of his head. Even Alhaitham's voice was fading in and out of his ears, he groaned softly trying to regain the last of his senses. He could feel Alhaitham's stare suddenly shoot across the room,

"You're awake? It's too early for that, you should go back to sleep."

He asserted tenderly, Kaveh heard him stand from wherever he was originally seated before approaching the bedside. He felt his cool hand move over his forehead, chilling the burning heat coming off his skin.

Alhaitham took a bowl from the nightstand, it was filled with cold water and a rag. He pulled it out and placed it over Kaveh's forehead. This made him slightly uncomfortable, this type of cold was chilling to the bone.

While Alhaitham's natural body temperature was perfect, Kaveh unconsciously reached back out into the air for that same hand. Alhaitham took notice of this, his brow arching up as he leaned in closer. He pressed his hand over, and Kaveh would take immediate hold of this.

His soft skin brushing over Alhaitham's roughly scarred palms, Kaveh had a warm temperature, sending a wonderful feel through Alhaitham's natural cold. He couldn't help but smile and pull his hand up to his face.

Kaveh felt the urge to pull it away, but Alhaitham forced him to stay. After a minute or so he relaxed, his hand moving from his cheek towards his lips. His thumb traced them down carefully.

Alhaitham pursed his lips, giving Kaveh small kisses. Although Kaveh himself was unaware of this, only appreciating the tender cold that was coming off his skin. A few minutes of this passed before Kaveh lifted his idle hand over the cloth.

He gripped it and threw the soaked thing in Alhaitham's direction. It was caught instantly, but he managed to sit up midway through his attack as well. His chest was rising up and down, while his eyes fazed in and out uncontrollably.

He was clearly still dizzy, but most definitely on high alert. Pulling away his hand he scooted back onto the bed closer to the edge. Alhaitham gave a pitiful look before he chuckled.

"Calm down, you realize I saved you right?"

He said before folding his arms, Kaveh appeared nearly unconvinced. His white shirt was only now ruffled up, some of it was stained with old blood. The shoulder covers slipped down revealing his brutally ravaged neck.

No wonder why his body was feeling entirely sore, it was like he had gotten stabbed with finger-thick needles!

"Saved me–? You told me you weren't going to!"

Kaveh shouted, snatching a pillow to hug tightly as if it were his shield. Alhaitham rolled his eyes and simply went on to explain himself. Throwing a small note sheet away into the corner, Kaveh appeared to immediately recognize it. Without allowing Alhaitham to continue on with what he was saying, he ever so rudely interrupted.

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