The Cattle

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Another bag of ashes, that's already five this week. Good job Kaveh."

A man dressed in plain white scribbled something down on a piece of notebook paper. 5 pouches filled with smoking ash sat beside the rows of documents as he glanced back up at Kaveh.

He appeared chipper as usual, a smile dancing on his lip, a sense of cocky demeanor hazing off of him. Usually his superior wouldn't say much else aside from basic praise, but his gaze halted at Kaveh's lightly bitten and bruised neck.

He wasn't close enough to examine them, but looking from afar he arched a heavy brow.

"You party too much...Taking a break might help you."

Was all he muttered lowly, Kaveh wheezed out a breath, pulling his white collar up a few inches to hide the more gruesome bites. For a second he worried that his superior might have noticed that they weren't human.

"Not my fault the women can't resist me, there's no need for a break. Partying is how I catch most of my kills."

Kaveh exclaimed with a sense of pride, of course, his superior didn't seem as amused as he was. He only sighed lightly and put his pen down before leaning forward. His gaze went down one more time before it met back up with Kaveh's eyes.

"It must be a lot of women you're running into then, from here it appears to be a wolf dragging you to its den."

He said, only coughing afterward at his comment. Kaveh rolled his eyes and turned his back before strolling out of the room. He couldn't help but feel the burning sensation of eyes drilling holes into his neck.

Hours later Kaveh found himself strolling the city, and recently a new club had opened up around the corner. He heard it was relatively popular, and upon entering he was met with large bouncing music and bright flashing lights.

There was an abundance of crowds all gathered in cliques that eyed him for a solid minute. Everything appeared to be focused on him as soon as he entered, vibrant red eyes-red...eyes. Kaveh instantly got the memo, his senses spiked and he felt himself be consumed by thirsty eyes.

This place was an absolute death trap, and he had fallen directly into it! He was just about to dart out and run when he felt a strong arm entangle his waist and pull him in close.

Kaveh reeled his elbow back in an attempt to release himself. But a familiar sharp voice leaned in his ear. Sending butterflies in his stomach,

"Don't cause a scene, just follow me."

He said, Kaveh nodded quietly as the crowds of vampires watched as Alhaitnam dragged the helpless human away into a VIP sector of the club separated from everyone else.

It was draped in red and purple curtains, enough to shield any outside eyes unless they deliberately attempted to come in. Kaveh felt himself being rushed against one of the comfortable seats. Alhaitham's hands tightly gripped his arms as he spoke.

"What are you doing here? Do you have any thoughts before you wander in places such as this?"

Alhaitham spat coldly, Kaveh's nose wrinkled and he pushed back aggressively. Hitting him with a rock as he opposed his question with another.

"Then what are you doing here then? Come to get your share, huh?"

Kaveh stated cockily, of course, Alhaitham was only stern enough to stay silent for a moment before speaking. But even then there was something visibly wrong with him.

Now that they both were separated from the crowds of intoxicated bodies. He realized the faint smell of alcohol coming off of Alhaitham, it was faint. But strong enough to be sensed, upon looking closer he could see Alhaitham's eyes twitch uncontrollably.

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