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Being demoted was something no vampire hunter would want unless they hated their original role. In the organization, there were multiple roles to play for hunters to have the opportunity at taking monsters' lives.

Clean up crews, Chemists, Executors, and finally the prison guards. Out of everything, the guards were not only forced to take the most dangerous job.

(Right behind being an actual hunter) but also the cruelest. Vampires aren't often taken to cells, at least not the normal ones. Only highly skilled, or noble vampires found their way into these bars of silver.

At least here, no vampire could escape on their own. Typically the worst way for a vampire to die would be to starve, losing themselves in their hunger, they'll tear through their kind just to suffice their stomachs.

Kaveh felt that his demotion was only proven right, and it would be years until he would be allowed to become a hunter again. There was no hiding the secrets he kept between both him and Alhaitham, nothing lasts forever.

Of course, Kaveh would have to suffer the complaints of the new prisoner. He walked with a strong sense of shame beside his superior, there was silence aside from the groaning pains of other vampires in their cells.

Finally, they both stopped at a cell in particular, Kaveh could feel the burn of heated eyes staring at his neck, he turned and became surprised.

"You'll be guarding this section for the next few months until ordered otherwise, stay away from the cells, and shock any vampires that get a bit too violent."

His superior ordered with a strong calling, and Kaveh was a bit too focused on this prisoner in particular. The man let out a long sigh and clapped his hands violently against one another into Kaveh's face.

"Focus, you! Do you want to be kicked out officially? Take this, and get on with it."

His superior shoved a bundle of equipment into his arms. He turned his back and walked off leaving the two to stand across from one another.

Kaveh placed on his duties and let out a short sigh. A strong voice came from inside, and the rustle of chains was heard as the prisoner moved with irritation.

"Must you be my guard? Utterly ridiculous if you ask me, and even worse, my stomach hurts."

Alhaitham exclaimed sharply, his red boiling eyes flamed in his dark cell as he shuffled around in the little room he had. The hunters hadn't cared to clean Alhaitham up after the fight, so there was still dried blood covering his lip.

His wounds were ultimately feeling very slow due to the lack of blood he had drunk in the past few days. Kaveh could only assume that with every movement he tried, Alhaitham's wounds would only tear further.

Unlike humans, vampires needed blood for not only their thirst but also to have their white blood cells the energy to repair themselves. Blood was more of a reliability than actual food compared to humans. It was their biggest weakness. Kaveh stood there scratching his neck, almost unsure of what to say.

"I guess this is goodbye then, I won't be able to save your sorry ass."

Kaveh said, he truly felt pity over Alhaitham's circumstances. But he wasn't so close to him as to risk his job just to save his life. Any vampire would do what Alhaitham did, at least as far as he knew.

Those red blood-lusted eyes grew darker, and a violent struggle of clanking chains was heard as if Alhaitham had lurched forward.

"I saved you, I even spared your life multiple times. Yet you dare not even try to help me out? You still owe me bites, and even more, so you owe me your life in full debt! I cannot believe..."

Alhaitham spoke with a rage boiling in his throat, of course, his next few words would be interrupted by Kaveh's battling tone.

"You what? Can't believe you trusted a human, your enemy? It isn't my fault you decided to do such, I can backstab you whenever I'd like. You could have easily done the same! Not only back at your home, but at that hotel too! Yet I don't understand why you continued to hold yourself back."

Alhaitham had a look of disbelief on his face. Truly he could have easily drunken Kaveh try ages by now, yet he hadn't.

Instead, he paced himself by only taking sips, by paying huge sums of more just to save a pitiful sun's life. The same sun that was supposed to kill him!

"Then why hadn't you killed me then also? Back at the club, I was at my worst, yet you just laid there like a dead raccoon. Don't point fingers when you know just as well that you did the same thing, you hypocrite."

The room ached with silence, and not a single chain clinked together such as before. Kaveh silently turned, taking one step before his feet went at gradually past away from the cell. Chains rattled against one another like a snake's end, Alhaitham called out his name but there was no response.

"Kaveh doesn't go, please I'm begging you. Don't leave me here. Starving is the worst way to go, I don't want to become a savage, HUNTER! Don't walk away, GET BACK HERE!"

Alhaitham cried out hopelessly, he slumped his head down. He wasn't afraid of death, no he was most afraid of becoming the exact thing he feared most. A monster, something that couldn't control itself.

Something that inevitably, no matter who it faced, would still tear through flesh. Whether that be family, friends, or lovers. You couldn't control yourself when you're starving, all you can do is sit in the back of your mind and listen to their cries.

Alhaitham couldn't go back to that same place, he was terrified of that dark room. If he starved, he wouldn't want to wake back up, he'd want to stay dead like shot cattle. He was frozen with horror.

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