Blood Sucker

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Kaveh was the first to open the door, directly after that he plunged himself into the only bed there.

He honestly couldn't care whether it was uncomfortable or not, he just didn't want to keep standing although Alhaitham was the one who carried him all the way here.

Alhaitham let out a sigh, locking and closing the door behind him he approached the bed where Kaveh rested. There was a minute of silence before he spoke,

"Would you please sit yourself up properly? I'd like to get a good meal."

He muttered, his brows furrowed and his body tense like he was holding back his hunger.

Kaveh rolled over nonchalantly, his shirt was a bit of a mess so it had been loosened from earlier events.

The slit at the center of his chest had opened further, allowing Alhaitham to see it rise up and down with each breath.

His desire couldn't help but stare, which somehow didn't appear to terrify Kaveh as he's seen it plenty of times.

He recalled the moments when Alhaitham had attempted to seek him out, starving himself to get a good meal only to fall it through with an empty net.

"Oh, I thought we were friends! Don't have to be so harsh, Haitham? Haitham? Hello!"

Kaveh snapped his fingers, and Alhaitham flinched suddenly as he rubbed his eyes snapping out of the trance he was in.

Kaveh felt pity for him and did as he said.

He moved over to the bed and placed a pillow behind his head before throwing off the crimson-red accessories, and his green necklace.

Alhaitham decided to try and relax, surprisingly he was the one tense in this situation.

He dragged off his large coat and set it by the nightstand before approaching the bed.

Kaveh had his eyes opened, staring at Alhaitham the entire time.

"Could you lift your head up? This isn't a good angle."

He grumbled under his breath, just enough for Kaveh to hear.

He rolled his eyes and lifted his head up to the side while letting out a long sigh, in their own minds the two both swore that there always had to be an attitude with every moment they surrounded one another. 

Alhaitham practically got on top of Kaveh and leaned in, his hand gently holding the side of Kaveh's face, keeping his head there.

Kaveh shivered at the feel of Alhaitham's soft lips pressing against his skin before biting down.

He jolted out of surprise and let out a soft groan, he could almost feel the heat leaving his body through blood.

Alhaitham's hand against his face got a bit tighter as he led him by the jaw.

Kaveh's hands twitched for something to hold onto, he reached up and pulled on Alhaitham's shirt.

He finally eased off his neck and raised himself up, both of them were breathing a bit quicker than before.

Kaveh unconsciously traced his hand down his shirt as he leaned his head back, he never knew what it felt like to be drunk.

Alhaitham still had some blood on his lips, which he silently licked off.

Kaveh attempted to get off the bed, but suddenly Alhaitham pressed his hand against the center of his chest holding him down.

He could feel Kaveh's rapid heart bit pick up,

"We aren't done, that wasn't a meal."

His eyes narrowed, suspicious at Kaveh's actions.

"That–that wasn't a meal?! Oh god, I don't know if I can–"

Alhaitham silenced him, but eventually eased his hand away from his chest and just leaned over. They both took a moment to stare at one another before he spoke.

"It can be, overwhelming. This time just hold onto my shoulders to help ground yourself, I won't take much longer. I promise."

Kaveh felt better, considering how Alhaitham took actual care in calming him down.

He shakily reached his hands up and gripped his shoulders tightly, almost afraid to let go.

Although he could admit, part of it felt peculiarly nice, almost like removing venom from a wound.

It made his body want to relax and fall asleep, but the intensity of the moment was too much.

Contradicting feelings opposed one another, made things both painful, and terrifying. But also intoxicating.

"Lift your head up again."

Kaveh narrowed his eyes, shook his head, and fought back with an argument.

"Am not! By the time you're done, I'll be a giraffe!"

Alhaitham rolled his eyes and let out a sigh, taking Kaveh by the jaw and pushing his head back. Kaveh appeared to struggle for a moment before Alhaitham warned.

"If you continue to move this will hurt more I assure you. Now, stay still."

Alhaitham leaned in and took another bite, Kaveh's grip tightened on his shoulders and he could hear him gulping down.

Hearing and feeling all this made him feel like he was going to pass out and wake up all over again.

Blood rushed to his head at the moment, but he could suddenly feel Alhaitham's thumb that rested on his jawline trace over comforting him.

Somehow it relaxed Kaveh even if he could still feel the burning sensation on his neck.

Alhaitham's hand traced down to the middle of Kaveh's neck, feeling at his Adam's apple gradually.

His fingers mapped out every point that made Kaveh shutter.

He felt choked up by the moment, he began to feel dizzy as the grip he had on Alhaitham's shoulders loosened.


He gasped softly, his hands moved down from his neck to his collarbone.

Opening up his shirt furthermore as it caressed down the center of his stomach.

Kaveh's face began to flush a deep red as he couldn't help but watch in enjoyment as he was touched.

Alhaitham at this point had pulled down the shoulder sleeve of his shirt before he raised up to get a hold of himself.

Still licking the leftover blood from his lips he placed a hand over his mouth staring down at Kaveh.

His breathing was heavy and his mouth agape, his ears flared up at the scene as he moved off Kaveh to give him his space.

 But the moment Kaveh attempted to stand on his own he fell over blacking out, Alhaitham caught him and helped him back onto the bed.

"I'm sorry, I took too much. Do your best to stay awake, I'll be back."

Kaveh slowly nodded his head while fixing his shirt as Alhaitham left the room hastily.

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