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Soobin's POV:

When I left Yeonjun's party last night, I was devastated in myself. I no longer think of any of those guys as my friends anymore. I can't. Not after how I mistakenly lead Taehyun and Yeonjun on. I never meant for that to happen.

For the rest of the night, I let Daniel's messages go and didn't reply. I really fell for Daniel, but after he left unexpectedly, I was slowly starting to catch feelings for Yeonjun. I couldn't just turn my feelings off for Yeonjun and act like Daniel abandoning me didn't affect me not one bit. That's just not how shit works.

Maybe I'll message Daniel later today, but right now, I was back to square one...again.

I was sitting alone at lunch up against a wall in front of the cafeteria. I packed myself a simple chicken sandwich with spinach, a slice of swiss cheese, and mayo. And I also had an apple and I didn't know if I was gonna eat that or not.

Interestingly enough, a pair of shoes stood in front of me. I glanced up to see who it was and he brought himself down to my level.

 I glanced up to see who it was and he brought himself down to my level

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"Why aren't you sitting with us, Soobin?"

Because I didn't wanna kiss you and embarrassed the fuck out of myself in front of you? What do you mean why?

"If it's because of what happened yesterday in the pool, don't think nothing of it. I know that you like Yeonjun and I just wanted to shoot my shot. No hard feelings about it, alright? I'm still your friend," Taehyun smiled pleasantly at me. "Now get off the floor and come sit with us. You're making it more awkward by not sitting at our table. Come on."

"I really don't wanna associate with you guys anymore. Please understand," I tried to explain to him. "I've made the decision that I would rather distance myself because I think things have gone way too far."

"What do you mean?" He parked himself next to me up against the wall and acted like I was his best friend. "I know you like Yeonjun. It's fairly obvious that you do. I see the way you look at him everyday. Trust me, it was the way I looked at you, but you never noticed. Again, it's okay."

"Don't get me wrong, Taehyun, you're a very attractive guy. I just don't think that-"

"What?" he cut me off. "That I can't potentially be your knight and shining armor?" he giggled. "I'm very romantic, you know. But hey, if you like Yeonjun then-"

"I did, but not anymore. I'm gonna slowly turn my feelings off for him," I revealed to Taehyun.

"Oh no, what happened? He didn't say anything after you left."

"I kissed him last night and he made me kind of regret it." I don't know why, but Taehyun made me feel comfortable telling him things. It didn't feel forced and he didn't make me feel bad for explaining my feelings.

He patted me on the shoulder. "Tell Taehyun-ah what happened."

I smiled at him and told him everything.

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