Chapter 3

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It's been a few days since they got the news, about moving and Meredith didn't want to take a plane do to her pregnancy and needing to move around a lot so she wouldn't be in pain so they are on a 24 hour road trip to their new house .

Well it's time to start driving and I'm only driving the first four hours, because that's all I can do .

This baby is on bladder, a lot but not right now and I'm glad about that. We rented a mini van, in case I need to lay down after driving. And they kids can get their own row .

I packed them some snacks , and some water for the first four hours until we stop to switch and walk around .    I sat in the drivers seat , I haven't driven much lately because my back aches so much .

The kids got in being loud , they are arguing over a Nintendo switch. It's my game but they both want it.

" No you bitch I want it !" Jason's tugs on it trying to get it from Allison.

"Not fair you asshole you like reading not playing games, but since I want it." Allison yells .

" can you guys stop, I hate loud noise and fighting. It's overwhelming to me." I say and I feel like crying.

" mom I want the game and Allison won't let me get it." Jason whines loudly

Allison slaps him hard, and I'm tense now and this baby started kicking again after i just calmed him before getting into the car.

" god damn it can you two just take turns on the game and you both have phones why don't you play one those !" I snapped as I rubbed my bump, he's a active baby and I need to settle him down so I can drive .

" oh , right ." Allison says and gives him the game .

"I don't want the game ." Jason says and gives it back to her .

Now they don't want it , I'm pissed off now and I can't stop the baby from kicking .

Derek got in the car, after a 20 minute fight.

I glares at him." I hate you." I say glaring at him still.

"What the fuck did I do ," Derek looks at me

" you now I hate fighting and when people argue, it gives me anxiety, and you have given me three children who are the complete opposite of me. And they are fighting over the simplest stuff." I say and I cut the air on.

Derek laughs at me " I'm sorry babe, but it's funny they act like me." He says

" it's not funny my nerves are fucked ." I say and turn away and the baby calmed down.

Derek looks at the kids," alright that's enough, you mom hates this, and give me the game and play on a different device." He takes the game

I started driving for four hours straight, and we stopped at the gas station. Cause they kids had to pee and they wanted new snacks . I got out and walked around while rubbing my stomach, I was just calming him down he was probably hungry but I didn't know for sure so I loaded the kids back in the car and I drove to Wendy's,

I ate my food and he calmed down, this pregnancy is weird but I can't wait to meet my baby boy, he's my second boy.

Derek was driving this time and they kids like when he drives because he lets them be loud and he stops every two hours. 

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