Chapter 20

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Meredith had been in the hospital for almost two weeks now , her incision had reopened because she kept sneaking into the nicu during the night time to be with A'Daya .

She got discharged today but only her and baby boy did , I promised her I'd stay with with our daughter until she can come home

I know my wife needs rest, so I'm not going to risk any of these lives. They both need care and loving so I'm stepping in and doing my job as a husband and father.

I just left the nicu and I'm on my way to Meredith , here assistant is helping her with Asiah and to take care of her self .

"Hey baby ." I say and I kiss her head

She was crying." Hey der." She says holding in a sob

"Shh it's okay." I say and I hug her

" p-promise me I-if she's to weak you don't let her go, I can't lose another baby Derek. Please don't let her die." Meredith sobbed

I just hugged her tightly." I promise I won't our daughter will be okay." I tell her

She just sobbed in my arms so I held her. So it's a long story about what happened, but here it is

~flashback.~|author .|
~4 years ago.~

Derek had  came home a long day at work he was exhausted and irritated because of what happened

Meredith was sitting on the couch playing a game on Derek's ps4, she had been bleeding and leaking fluids all day. She was about 24 weeks pregnant with their woulda been 3 child, but she thought it was nothing so she played the game

Derek went straight to the kitchen and he didn't greet his wife or talk to her, so she got up pausing her game

" wow so I don't get a hey babe or a kiss today." Meredith says to him getting pissed off

" oh my goodness I'm not in the mood for this right now." He pushes her out of the way gently and went to play his game

Meredith felt a sharp pain in her abdomen but it hurt way to much." AGH ! AHH! She yells in agony

Derek ran over to her," baby what's wrong." He asks

" something is wrong with her or him ." Meredith sobs

They rushed to the hospital and they were in the er getting a ultrasound in the trama room

"So why is my wife in so much pain." Derek held her hand and waited for a answer

The nurse looks down." You daughter doesn't have a heart beat Mr. Shepherd, and your wife is in pain because her placement is hurting her more." She says

Meredith broke down in tears." S-so I have to give birth to a dead baby ." She says

" unfortunately yes and it's gonna be in the next hour."  The nurse says

They started up Meredith's contractions and it was the worst pain ever

Derek was sad too but he thought to him self I needa be here for her

She had a hour daughter and Meredith hold her dead daughter and she sobbed ." She gone, and she was supposed to have her forever. Our little girl." She sobbed

Derek also cries and they spend a hour with her

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