Chapter 6

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| Her.|

I was still asleep, I'm usually at work at 6;00 am or I'm pulling all nighter. I'm really not supposed to be doing that, but I love working and no one can stop me. 

Derek was the one who woke me up, and it pissed me off for the day . 

Derek shakes me gently." Babe, wake up it's 8;30 am." He says "Your late."

I did not wake up the first two times, he tried to wake me up.

Derek kept trying to wake me."Meredith get your ass up or your going to be late for work," He says

I woke up, and I was pissed off." Leave me alone, I'm tired and I don't go to work until 11:30. I'm taking theses hours off to sleep and go see the baby." I groaned

Derek quickly gets out of the bed." I am so sorry." He says

I throw a pillow at him, and I realize I need that back for my comfort." Give me the pillow and get out." I say annoyed

Derek frowns and gives it back." Ouch that fucking hurt." He groans being dramatic

"It's a damn pillow." I roll my eyes, then I start to fall asleep again

He left the room and he went to get food, he woke me up again. Derek slammed the door when he walked in.

"Derek I barely sleep and when I can you do this shit." I say and i'm about to cry cause I'm so over him right now

Derek hand me a Starbucks bag " oh I'm sorry love, but you need to eat so I got you Starbucks." He says " I'm sorry."

I start eating my food but I'm ignoring him right now.

Derek left the room and went downstairs.

I finished eating my breakfast and I showered, I was getting ready to go see bubba. He needs a name but that can wait.  Ouu he's awake now and kicking hard.

I got out and I dried off, I got dressed and he was still kicking really hard. So I sat on the  chair I have in there.

I rubbed my bump, and started to talk to him." I get to see you today bubbas, I'm really excited about it too. You can't hide your face this time . Mommy wants to see your face, if you let me see your face , it will make my day." I talk to him.

I walked downstairs after I'm ready , I grabbed my lunch and I see the kids in the kitchen with Derek.

I still haven't fully made up with Jason, but I still try with him.

" good morning, honeybuns." I smile at the and I grab my purse , I have to give them lunch money

"Fuck your good morning, and you look really fat in that dress." Jason says

"Oh , maybe I should starve your brother and make my self skinny. Fuck that he has to grow you dumb ass. If you keep doing me like this I will put you out." I say annoyed

"Fuck you , you fat slut ." Jason rolls his eyes and he pushes me and I fall on my ass and my back

Derek and Allison look at him , Derek grabs Jason by his shirt , meanwhile Allison helps me up .

"Mom can I go see my little brother with you ."' Allison asks and I realize it's her first time being a older sister.

" of course love." I smile and I get up, I grab my keys and I drove to the appointment.

We got in and the OB started the exam, I was so happy

" please don't hide you face bubbas." I beg him, we haven't seen his face yet this whole time

The lady starts puts the gel on and we see his face for the first time, he's beautiful

"Mom looks he has your facial features."Allison smiles at me

" he does , he has my nose." I was crying cause none of the kids look like me and I was happy

The ob prints the pictures of him out and we headed home to drop Allison off, and I headed to work

I got to work and I put his ultrasound picture in a picture frame, and he's kicking again and I start rubbing my bump ." You did so good, and you look like mommy, I can't wait to meet you." I smile while talking to him .

Nadine walks in." Madam secretary." She says

I'm still rubbing my stomach," yes Nadine." I asks

Nadine walks over to me" the president wants to meet with you, now ," She says

I stand up and I walked toward the door." Alright, I'll be down in 10 minutes." I say

Nadine nods and follows me." Madam secretary?" She asks

" yes Nadine ." I say rubbing my stomach still.

Nadine stares at me ."Your dress, is beautiful."

I thank her and go into my meeting and I listen

" Mer , what do think," the president asks

" I honestly think we should send our American troops in but they just need to be ready in case, anything happens, but they can't shoot fire unless the Iran troops shoot first." I say, standing up walking around

"Why are we listening to the princess, we need to attack first." This random ass man says

I look at him, and I'm already in a mood ." Shut up, I'm not princess. I'm Secretary of State, and if se shoot first then war happens and we don't want that. So how about you shut your ass up and listen to what I say if you want to keep the United States safe." I say.

Everyone just hushed and we did what I said, and it worked . This was a four hour meeting and it was funny to me cause they've never had a woman with so much power and they just hushed when I talked

 This was a four hour meeting and it was funny to me cause they've never had a woman with so much power and they just hushed when I talked

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(She'd wearing this.)

Madam secretary Meredith Where stories live. Discover now