Chapter 21

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Heyy I'm back , here's a chapter

Authors point of view.

A'daya is finally home after 2 months in the nicu, she's so much bigger and stronger. They still haven't told their family about them having twin yet

Derek got A'daya dressed to match her mother, and she wears the biggest bows . She has these beautiful blue eyes, with this gorgeous brunette hair

Meredith's point of view

My incision, is healed and I've lost most of my baby fat . Right now I'm in Asiah's room while he's in his swing , we might being going to visit Derek's parents and my co workers today

I pick Asiah up and we headed down stairs , the kids are at school they haven't met A'daya yet but I know they'll love her

" hey gorgeous." Derek said to me and he looks at me admiring me , and he had baby girl in his arms

" hey honey." I say and I put, baby boy in his bassinet next to his sisters empty one

" do you want A'daya ?" Derek asked , he was making cinnamon rolls since those are one of my biggest breastfeeding cravings

" of course." I take her gently, she's wide awake stati at me with her big eyes

Derek rushed in the kitchen to take them out of the oven and I sat on the couch .

A'daya started to get fussy, I think she's hungry or something

I pulled my dress strap down and I let her eat, her little suckles filled the room.

Im having contractions as I breastfeed, but that's very normal it means my body is getting back to normal

A'daya continued to eat, and I turned the tv on to watch something

After thirty minutes we loaded up the car and headed to Derek's parents house so they could meet the twins

Carolyn was sitting in the living room when we walked in and she turned around, she only see one big stroller so she did suspect anything

I pushed it over to the couch and I took baby girl out, and handed her to Derek's mom , while his dad had Asiah

Carolyn immediately teared up " she's yours, wait how the hell. Oh she's so precious and little !" She was crying and she was holding on to her

I smiled" and she's so sweet and she is just an amazing baby ." I say and I smiles

Carolyn smiles " so what's this beautiful girls name?" She asks

" her name is A'daya Marie Shepherd." I said softly

Carolyn just cried, because she has her middle name

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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