Chapter 7

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| Her.|

Im at home now, well I just got home. I unlocked the door, when I got in I kicked my heels off and i took my jacket off . I was so happy to take those shoes off.

I took my bra off and I threw it in the closet." Lover I'm home ." I say smiling and I walk in the living room

Jason was sitting on the couch with Derek, still walking over to Derek .

Derek looks at Jason and he looks back at me ." He has something to say to you ." Derek says

"Oh okay ." I say and stand up, placing a hand on my hip and the other on my back

" I'm sorry mom, and I'll never do it again." Jason says

I hug him." I forgive you." I say

Jason rolls his eyes " get off me, mom." He says

I move away and I sit on the couch.

"Go upstairs and clean that messy ass room." Derek says sternly and he takes my legs and puts them on his lap

Jason runs upstairs and sneaks out to his friends house

" you know your a good dad, but I wasn't gonna fight with him anymore. I hate fighting with the kids and you ." I cried into his shoulder

"Hey don't cry it's handle ." Derek says and he rubs my back

"What happened ?" I ask as I wipe eyes

"We had a nice talk and just know there's no more disrespectful Jason towards you." Derek says

I smile at him, and Allison came in a little late .

"Hey mom I'm home, I'm getting something to eat and going upstairs." Allison says in a sad tone of voice

"Okay love ." I say to her and i blow her a kiss

Derek turns to me and he smiles."how are you feeling ? Do you need anything?" He asks

"Baby don't smother me, I'm fine but I'm sore from my heel and the baby kick and my accident with Jason earlier ." I say

" well let me massage your back and rub your feet." Derek smiles and massages my back

It felt nice, and I was happy." Thank you baby," I say

"Are you sure you don't need anything and aren't you hungry." Derek asks

" yea I'm hungry I wanted to tell you about my day." I chuckle

Derek smiles and he stops massaging my back." Alright, let's go into the kitchen and while I'm cooking you can tell me all about your day" he smiles and I love him , he's so supportive ,

Derek stand to his feet , the he helps me up to my feet and we very close to each other , and presses a kiss to my lips , and I started to blush. We walk into the kitchen together and I'm really red

I'm blushing hard as fuck" you still owe me sex." I smirk at him

Derek opens the fridge and looks at me "don't worry dear , you'll get what you want tonight ." He whispers huskily . "And had to be really loud so Jason can really learn his lesson ."

" yes it does, but actually I feel bad for him.." I say and I rub my stomach." So I'm gonna go check on him ." I walked upstairs and I walk into his room and he isn't there. The window is open .

"Derek, come up her now !." I called out for him

Derek ran up and saw what I saw ." What the fuck." He says

I started crying." Go find our son now, I hope he's okay." I was freaking out and I was panicking.

" calm down and relax for the baby, I'll find him." Derek reassures me .

I nod, and I went in Allison's room. I noticed she was kinda sad." Hey do you know where Jason is?" I asks

" um he told me not to say because he'd kick my ass ." Allison says

" oh dear , he won't touch you where is he." I ask

Allison nods ." He's at connors house ." She says

I pull her in a hug after texting Derek." Mamas here don't be sad, we can talk about." I say

Allison nods

I get up once I heard the door and it's Derek and Jason ." Lock him in the bathroom, it has a small window, he can't crawl out." I say sternly and I breathe deeply .

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