Chapter 13

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| Her.|

Nadine knocks on my door, it's unlocked now and I was so happy about my food.

" madam secretary, minister Chen is gonna be 10 minutes late . But I have your food and I hired you a personal stylist." Nadine says and she lets the stylist in .

" Nadine we've been over this, I don't want to wear pants and I love my style of dresses and heels. I love my dress and it's comfortable to my pregnant self." I say annoyed

Nadine see the annoyed look on my face ." Sorry madam but it's president orders ." She says

"Yea will tell him to come talk to me about it ." I say and I get up from my desk.

Nadine nods and she goes to him .

I started to eat my food and then my other employees came in ,Mason and daisy .

"Madam secretary, Minister Chen is here to speak with you now . But we can tell him your eating ." Daisy says and she adjusts the pillows on my couch

" send him in, I'll eat later . He's way important." I say and put my food on my desk.

They send minster Chen in and I have my meeting with him

Minster Chen sits on the couch and he starts the meeting off ." Madam secretary, this protest you've lodged with RACTO , is clearly a stalling tactic. You want to help Ashmont petroleum win a bid they couldn't win honestly or fairly ." He says and his kinda pissing me off

I have my hand on top of my stomach." You really want to accuse Ashmont petroleum or being unscrupulous actor here ? ." I saying getting up pacing around

Minster Chen looks at me ." I would suggest you tread carefully, madam secretary." He says

Im still pacing around, and it his bald headed ass doesn't shut the fuck up."so you're saying that it is not common Chinese business practice, to get at-at the resources of developing nations by bribing their elites ." I say

The Chinese minster stands up." The west did just that for centuries, including to china ." He says

I'm officially pissed off and I'm breathing heavily, is this a panic attack or a heart attack." Just because it's your turn now doesn't make it right." I need to breathe , so I try what Derek told me

"While fascinating, this philosophical discussion is hardly germane . I strongly urge you to retract your protest ." The Chinese minister

I sigh and breathe out" but there are so many other fascinating subjects to discuss, like your currency devaluation. Unfair export subsidies, intellectual property theft. I mean, not to mention." I say

"Madam secretary." Minster Chen says

"Your labor and environmental, can we even call them laws ." I laugh at him " more like suggestions."

"Madam secretary, this inflammatory performance will not help your cause in Ecuador or in any other area . Perhaps we should talk at a later ." The minister walks away

"M-My apologies. Let's... let's talk about something less inflammatory. How are your children?" I ask, what's going on with my body

The prime minister sits down " they're fine." He say and takes a seat

" good.. good kids are a blessing." I say and I'm leaning on my desk , I'm still breathing heavy , what the actual fuck is happening

The Chinese prime minister nods " indeed."

" course when they look back at the Amazon and what we did to it , they'll think we must have hated them . "

"Again ma'am these remarks ," he say

"No,no,it's interesting because , you see if we chop it all down, we pretty much guarantee that the planet over heats , and our kids will live in a totally destabilized world." I scoffed." Well then at least they'll be able to go to war with each other over fresh water, that'll be kicky ." I pace around

" madam secretary are you quite alright." He asks

" Are you not hearing me ?! Your children and mine will suffer because of the dumb ass choices we make today, they will suffer and there will be nothing that we can do to help them! Is that what you want ?! Is that..." I'm panting now ." Will you excuse me for a minute, please?"

I walk out of my office panting and need more air, everything feels off.

Madam secretary Meredith Where stories live. Discover now