Chapter 19

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It's been a few days since Meredith had a c-section but they haven't told anyone about them having twins because they only knew about they baby boy that she carried for nine months, she probably convinced their daughter a few months after him

Meredith is a private person and hates paparazzi , but it's apart of her life now since she started working for the White House .

She was still in the hospital, she had a c-section hemorrhage but they fixed it. She can still have kids but it's going to be a long time before she does

She was still up breast feeding her daughter even though it hurts like a bitch, her daughter need it because she was a premature baby.

Her name is A'Daya Maria Shepherd, this name means that she's a jewl of god.

Their sons name is Asiah Duke Shepherd


I fed both babies , and I'm not a first time mom but a first time twin mom . My incision  hurts so fucking bad,  but it's okay I carried two beautiful humans

I turned on the tv and I watched a few shows that I love , while Derek was over here snoring hard . I decided to throw my empty cup at him .

" oww wtf." Derek says as he wakes up

"I'm in more pain then you, and I have to shit ." I say

Derek helped me to the bathroom and my boobs were swollen and my body looks different, way way different. 

I don't think I like it , I'm not that happy with it but it's been 4 days .  I know i carried to beautiful humans but I miss my body

I also realized I had pooped in four days and it hurt so bad, but I felt relieved after. I washed my hands and got back in bed 

" you look like crap." Derek chuckles  but I didn't know he was on the phone with mark

" I know." I say looking at the ceiling

Derek looks at me." Oh baby doll, your beautiful. I was talking on the phone. I love you and every single imperfection, which you do not have anything," he says

I nod he makes me feel better, he's my home." Come lay down with me." I say

Derek lays next to me." Sorry mark i gotta go , my wife comes before a man whore."he hangs up

I laid my head on his chest and I listened to his heart beat.

Derek rubs my shoulder and back." You so cute, I love you honey." She says

I smile." I love you too."

I eventually fell asleep on him but he did too

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