Chapter 8

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"There's literally no small rooms, with small windows in this madam secretary. Or should I say madam bitch ." Jason said to his mother

I'm about to kick his ass if he says one more thing

" how about mom , what the hell happened. You were fine a week ago." Meredith says

" shut up whore." Jason pushes her

Oh hell no , I'm about to hurt this mother fucker. I grabbed him by his shirt ." Jason !." I grab his collar harder . "How many damn times do I have to tell you to behave . You're sixteen years old , you're old enough to act your fucking age !." I still had his shirt tightly. "Would you like for me and your mother let you live on the street with nothing because of they way your acting, your going to end up in juvie and I'm gonna let your ass stay there if you keep disrespecting my wife," I yelled at him and I dropped him on the floor

" I don't give a fuck , shut your bitch ass up and fuck your wife ." Jason said to me and runs up stairs

I seen mer and I thought she was upstairs." Oh baby ." I say and walk over to her

Meredith looks at me and she walks upstairs into our room locking the door . I heard her sobs and they wrecked me.

I went in Jason's room and I tried to go in but the door was locked . So I body slammed my self into the door breaking it down.  I noticed he was trying to escape so I slammed him against the door , then I cleared his room out expect for all of his school work ." This ends today , I am sick of your lazy teenage ass acting the way you are toward your mother. Your mother has done everything for you including bringing you into this world , the last person you will disrespect is your mother. You don't have to like her, actually you have to love her, but you will keep your disgusting mouth of yours closed . If you want to hit someone you hit me or another man or you can go to a gym if you're mad at your mother . Not her unless you trying to kill you unborn brother," I scold him

"And last time I checked, your mother didn't do shit to you ." I say

"Fuck mom and the baby, why do you need more kids?" Jason rolls his eyes

"Maybe we want another baby boy to replace your shitty ass and have a good one in this house . And you don't get a say so on what me and your mother do in this house , and it's our baby and if you don't like it the get a fucking therapist and talk to them about it or keep you mouth closed bitch ass little boy ." I say

Jason rolls his eyes

" now you have nothing to say, and keep it that way ,"I say annoyed, I grabbed him by the arm and drag him into the hallway. Then I open my bedroom door that's not locked anymore , and I bring him inside ." You see what you did to your mother." I say and I hear her still crying and her eyes are red and puffy." She does everything for you, she'd take a bullet for you , she goes to work everyday so you can have everything you need in life and this is how treat, and she's pregnant. Your sleeping in here tonight so we can keep a eye on you and before you say anything shut the fuck up." I say

Jason sighs and goes in his room.

" No you idiot , in here are you death ," I pull him back

Jason sighs and lays on the floor and sleeps there .

Meredith grabbed her pillow, and her blanket, going into the living room. Feeling the baby kick hard.

I walked into the living room and I sat next to her ." You're not sleeping in here baby ,you can't let him do this to you. I can't stand to see you hurting." I say and rubbing her back

Meredith looks at me " I hate fighting with people, in a very quite person. And don't know what to do." She sobbed

" I know baby, and I'm doing the fighting for you. Come back to bed love, Jason's asleep and he can't get out of the house . You can't be scared of our own son, you have to become cold like you do when your very upset . I don't want you stay like that. You can handle him ." I hug her

She nods and dries her tears ." I will try, now I need to eat." Meredith says and she goes to eat

No more fighting I hope. I did spank Jason and he's seems to be acting better

Madam secretary Meredith Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant