Chapter 14

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| Her.|
I feel like I'm having a heart attack, but I don't know what's wrong.

I walked outside of my office to Blake." Will you call 911, I think I'm having a heart attack." I breath heavy while panting

I walked into a different room holding my chest .

I was rushed to the hospital and Derek was right by my side and he never left, I'm still breathing heavy and not talking

"30 year old female , presenting with chest pain, shortness of breath , sinus tech and hypertensive on two liters of 02 aspirin and EKG on the bus." The paramedic says

The doctor explained the course of action, and I pulled my oxygen mask off and I look at Derek.

"Baby doll, I'm here. Meredith your going to be okay." I heard Derek say

I grabbed his hand and he's panicking.

After a while we are settled in and the doctor came in.

" how is she and the baby ?" Derek asks and he kisses my head

"She had a panic attack, but she and the baby are okay. Maybe she should take it easy for a while and no yelling." The doctor says and leaves.

I started crying, I'm so sorry for creating a scene when I was fine just having a panic attack." Im sorry." I say

" it's okay, you were scared and looking out for yourself and that's okay." Derek kisses my head and he brings a hand down to my stomach

" I need to get back to work and I will take it easy." I say cause I can't let a war happen

"Baby promise me that you'll call me if you want to vent and get away. I know you aren't ready to talk about what happened with the bomb but I'm here if you want to." Derek says and he helps me up

" thank you." I say and I put my clothes back on, the baby's kicking hard, and I'm happy about that

Derek drove me back to work and I just did paperwork the whole time and then Nadine walks in.

I look up." Yes Nadine ?" I ask and I get up to heat my food up

"The president has given you a week off, and don't come back until that week is over. Go be with your family and rest." Nadine grabs my stuff and puts it in the car

I nod and I get in the car, after eating. It felt nice to be home and I can cuddle Derek all day and just feel better.

I changed my clothes and I crawled into bed, turning on my show. I sat up and watched it .

Madam secretary Meredith Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora