Chapter 17

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I'm sitting in my room laying on my bed with the kids , spending time with them before I get induced next week , I can't even have my home birth. I'm also on bed rest so that sucks

I feel so weak , and my body aches so bad ." Jason can you pass me the water." I ask him, I'd do it my self but I just feel weak

" no , Allison is closer ." Jason says and he stays right there

Derek gets it , and he smacks Jason in the back of his head." Next time your mother say do something get you ass up, she's 9 months pregnant and your just a lazy person who eats a lot so you can do it ." He scolded him , then handed me water, he had opened it first though

I took a sip and I closed my eyes, I can't function so I went to sleep after I put my water down .

I slept for a few hours or so, when I woke back up Derek was the only one who was in there. He must have kicked the kids out .

I stretched my arms and legs before I turned to him.

" hey baby." Derek smiles and he pulls me closer to him, I'm am still weak and I I'm in a lot of discomfort

" hey, baby." I say and I cuddled into him the best I could

Derek rubs my shoulder." I can order you food if you're hungry , and how'd you sleep ?" He asks

" chick-fl-a, and the baby was kicking me a little but not to harder so I slept okay," I smile slightly

Derek grabbed his phone and went on doordash " that's good, are you still feeling like earlier," he asks and ordered my food

I just nod and yawn, I'm having a contraction right now so I can't talk .

" you okay." Derek looks at me

" mmm." I do this low hum, it's one of my breathing techniques

" contraction, I assume." He rubs my lower back

" yea, I've been having quite a bit of them today. And I feel like if I move I'll piss my self ." I say

" well it's a good thing we have a mop, and cleaning supply. " Derek says and he helps me up "plus we have everything ready for the baby." He smiles

"Yes we do ." I stand up and I walked in the bathroom with his help , and my waters broke well I thought I pissed my self

"Derek I pissed my self ." I was in tears at this point

" oh no , that's okay I'll clean it but why's it still dripping down your legs." Derek says "and it doesn't smell like piss."

"So we are about to meet our son in a few hours ?" I smile at him and I changed my clothes

"Mhm." Derek says and he cleaned it up

I walked downstairs and I grabbed my food before I got in the car, Derek helped me after he told the kids .

" let's go have a baby." Derek chuckles

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