Chapter 18

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| Him.|

We arrived at the hospital, and we got checked in .

She is doing such and amazing job, she's handling all of these contractions well and I proud

I'm rubbing her, and I am massage her nipples because apparently it helps take her mind off the pain , I don't know but it's helping

" I want ice chips." Meredith says and she looks at me

" baby your iron level is going to drop." I look at her confused

" I want them for my soda." Meredith says and she has another contraction

I got a nurse to bring the ice while I held her hand

The nurse had some medicine to put in the iv but I didn't know what it was

After a hour Meredith was off and she way weaker then before so I checked the iv , and the nurse gave her something that she's allergic to

The doctor came in after I called him in and I told him, then he explained to me what I had to do

"Meredith you can't push love , you need a cesarean section ." I say

Meredith just laid there she could barely move " no, I want to do it naturally." She says

"I know love but our baby needs to be safe," I say

She nods

Meredith was going go natural but she can't , so they numbed her whole body and took her to the o.r

I couldn't come yet because well, I don't like blood and she's going to be in pain and I can't stand to see my wife like that . So I was freaking out for a second.

I geared up and I went in and I sat by her, and they have it draped

" you look so hot , like this . Messy bun, and you oxygen mask." I smile at her as I grab her hand

Meredith smiles at me little." Thank you, it hurts though." She says

" I'm right here , and we get to meet our baby." I rubbed her arm to let her know I'm here

" yes we do, but I feel them cutting me." She says

I kissed her cheek."let's think about the day Jason started walking." I said

"Haha he busted his ass twice ." Meredith smiles and she relaxes

"Indeed he did , and he did not given cry." I say

Meredith smiles at me." He's really strong like you." She smiles

I just nodded " not as strong as you." I say

The doctor life's our son into the air ." And baby boy is out." He says

Meredith cries tears of joy ." He's beautiful." She says and as the nurse brought him over

"He is beautiful." I say smiling

" and here's your daughter." The doctor says and he started to close her up

"DAUGHTER." I raised my voice

Meredith looks at me " she's so small, I didn't know she was in there." She was sobbing

I hold the tiny baby girl, she's so small ." She's gonna need nicu time, but she looks like you Meredith." I show her

Meredith smiles." My twin." She says

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