S1 Episode 1/ It not a date

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It a wonderful afternoon In Duckburg. The kids were playing tags In the mansion backyard. Webby was chasing Violet around and she tagged her.
Webby- Tag. Your it, Violet.
Violet- Okay.
Then Violet was chasing everyone and then she started chasing Huey.
Huey- Why me?
Huey started screaming.
Huey- ahhh!
Violet- Huey!? I not going to hurt. I just want talk to you.
Then Huey was running to Lena and stunning, Huey got out of the way and Violet tagged Lena.
Violet- Tagged. Your it, Lena.
Lena- Aw man.
Then Lena saw Dewey.
Lena- I see you, Dewey.
Then Lena started chasing Dewey but, he didn't see where he was going until he run Into Webby and they both fell.
Dewey- Ow.
Webby- Aw man.
Then they both started to stare at each other and they both blushed.
Dewey- Oh man. I am so sorry, Webby.
Webby- It okay. At least I didn't scream like Huey did.
Huey- I didn't scream. I just yell.
Dewey- You did scream.
Webby- Ya, you scream like a girl.
Then Dewey and Webby start laughing.
Dewey- Look at least it wasn't a spider then Louie would be screaming for days.
Lena- Oh... look like someone scared of spiders.
Louie- I not scared of spiders. I just hate them.
Violet- Why do you hate spiders?
Louie- It a long story and I am too lazy to tell it.
Lena- Ya, that my man.
Louie- What did you say?
Lena- I mean, that my friend. I said that my friend who hate spiders and lazy too.
Louie- Hmm... okay.
Huey- Wait, are you it?
Lena- I am but, I don't want to tagged anyone right now.
Then we go back talking to Dewey and Webby.
Dewey- So Webby, are you excited that we only have a few days left of school?
Webby- Yes. I can't believe that my granny let me go to your guy school this year.
Dewey- I know. I thought that your grandma is overprotective of you?
Webby- Well... she still is. I mean, I can go to school and hang out with my friends but, she want me to make the right decision and do good In school. Good thing that she doesn't completely control my life.
Dewey- Ya, that's true. Anyway, we are still doing that thing tonight.
Webby- Good. I can't believe that they are playing movies at the park.
Dewey- I will bring the blanket If you bring the popcorn.
Webby- Sure. I can asked granny make the popcorn for us.
Dewey- Okay.
Then We go back to the other kids.
Louie- What are you strangling at, Lena?
Lena- Well... do you guys have a feeling that there is something going on with Dewey and Webby?
Violet- Why do you ask that?
Lena- I mean, I know there best friend and all but, do you think there something romantic going on with them?
Huey- Wait, are you saying that they might have a crush on each other?
Lena- I mean, that is what I am saying to you guys.
Louie- I know Dewey and he would took us If he like Webby by now.
Huey- Ya. Dewey doesn't hide secrets from us, until that one time he hide trying to find our mom without asking us.
Violet- I can see that they got strong chemistry with each other but, I don't see it romantic chemistry.
Lena- Well, I mean they probably don't have interest In each other, like that.
Then Donald yelled at the boys.
Donald- BOYS!!!
Huey- Look like we are In trouble.
Dewey- Okay. What did Louie do this time?
Louie- Hey I didn't do anything wrong... this time. I didn't do anything wrong this time.
Lena- Well, since you guys are going to get yelled at, we are going to leave.
Webby- Ya, we better get going.
Dewey- Wait, where are you guys going?
Webby- Oh me and the lady are going to hang out at the park.
Dewey- Okay. Well, I will see you tonight If we don't get into trouble.
Webby- Okay. Bye.
Dewey- Bye.
Then the girl left.
Huey- Tonight? What going on tonight?
Dewey- I Sam taking Webby to see a movie at the park.
Louie- I didn't know that you got a date with Webby.
Dewey- It not a date.
Louie- Yes it is a date.
Dewey- No. It just 2 best friends hanging out at the park.
Huey- Ya but, it sounds like 2 best friends hanging out without there brother and her friends.
Dewey- Guys It not a date. Trust me, Webby doesn't have a interest In me.
Donald- You boys better come Inside before I count to 3.
Then the boys went In the front room and they are now talking to Donald.
Huey- What the problem, uncle Donald?
Donald- You boys didn't clean your room.
Then they were looking at Louie.
Louie- Okay. I was going to clean my room but, I got distracted...
Huey- By Lena.
Louie- No... I was walking Ottman Empire.
Donald- Well, Dewey and Huey didn't clean there side of there bedroom either.
Dewey- I did clean up my side of room.
Donald- Then why did I found your guitar under your bed again?
Dewey- I was... playing with it last night.
Huey- Uncle Donald, I did clean my side of the room. I even made my bed.
Donald- Then why I saw crumbs on your bed.
Huey- What! I didn't have food In my bed, unless.
Then Huey look at Louie.
Louie- Okay. I may or may not have chips In my bed and I may not put crumbs on your bed.
Huey- Okay that it.
Then Huey tackler Louie and they started fighting until Donald end the fight.
Donald- That is enough. All of you go to your bedroom and clean it up or you all get grounded.
Dewey- Please don't grounded us. I have plan tonight with Webby.
Donald- Then you better clean your room before you go anywhere.
Then the boys went upstairs to clean there room. Then Beakley walked In.
Donald- Oh boys.
Beakley- Having trouble In paradise?
Donald- Hey miss Beakley. Ya, I am having problems with the boys. Lately they won't listen to me, they argue and they fight each other about everything.
Beakley- Well, they are about teenagers, Donald.
Donald- I know they are. I was there age before and I wasn't acting like then.
Then Beakley look at Donald.
Donald- Okay. I was little like them.
Beakley- Oh I remember you and Della will always get into trouble. Speaking of Della where is she?
Donald- She is on a adventure trip with Uncle Scrooge. They won't be back In a few days. If she was here right now, the boys will listen to her.
Beakley- Well, she is there mom. Maybe just don't be hard on them.
Donald- Okay. I can be little bit hard on them.
Beakley- Good.
Then they heard the boys arguing.
Donald- What are they arguing now?
Beakley- I don't know.
Donald- Well, we have to check it out then. Come on miss Beakley.
Then they went upstairs to the boys room to see what is going on.
Dewey- I can't believe that you got pep all over on my guitar.
Louie- Hey how am I pose to know that you have your guitar under our bed.
Huey- I did make my bed but, you have to get all ruined it.
Dewey- Ya, I not the one who leave there dirty clothes on the floor.
Huey- Do you know how disgusting that is.
Louie- Well, I not the one who reads In there bed In middle of the night. Some of us need to go to bed.
Huey- I was reading a book from Violet who gave it to me ask a gift.
Dewey- Look guys, us arguing isn't taking us anywhere so, I think we should clean our room without any arguing.
Louie- For want I agree with Dewey.
Huey- Me too.
Then the boys started cleaning there room.
Beakley- See the boys stopped arguing.
Donald- Well, I glad that they stopped arguing with each other. You should be glad that you don't have to deal with any of this with Webby.
Beakley- Well, she is very responsible and she do make the right choice but, I get the feeling that there something odd going on with her.
Donald- What do you mean miss Beakley?
Beakley- I don't know what it is but, it I find it then I will let you know.
Donald- Okay miss Beakley.
Meanwhile the girl went to Violet and Lena house.
Webby- Wowed! This room look cool.
Lena- Thank Web. I decide myself.
Violet- So... Webby are you ready for your date with...
Then Webby covers Violet beak with her hands.
Lena- What date? Who is it?
Webby- I was going to tell you Lena but, Violet have to spoiler it. Dewey is taking me to the park to watch a movie.
Lena- Wowed. I can't believe that you going on your first date with your best friend.
Webby- Woah, woah, woah. I not going on a date with Dewey.
Lena- Then how come he asked you to come along?
Webby- Come on guys. It just 2 best friends hanging out at the park and watching movies.
Violet- Eating popcorn, sitting on a blanket.
Lena- Or underneath the stars and you guys look to each other eyes.
Violet- It sounds like a date Webby.
Webby- Guys I been best friends with Dewey for 3 years now and Dewey doesn't have internet In me.
Lena- Okay. But, do you have interest In Dewey?
Then Webby froze and blushed. She knows that she had a crush on Dewey but, she doesn't want anyone to find out... yet.
Webby- Look, Dewey is a great guy but, I not sure If I am ready to start dating. I mean, I am only 12 years old and about to turn 13 In a few months.
Violet- Are you ready to start dating or your granny doesn't want you to date yet?
Webby- What are you guys saying?
Lena- Maybe your granny isn't ready for you to start dating any boys because, she is very overprotective of you.
Webby- Yes. She is over protective of me but, she have changed. She let me wear what ever I want. She let me make my own choices and she trusted me.
Lena- Okay. But, still talked to her about it.
Webby- Okay.
(Okay we are going to skip the boys getting their room cleaned.)
Later this evening.
Dewey was making a basket for him and Webby to take for tonight and miss Beakley was helping Dewey.
Dewey- Thank for helping me miss Beakley.
Beakley- You're welcome. I am glad that you asked me for help.
Dewey- Well, Mom ain't back yet and I didn't want Webby to help because, I put some of her favorite food and drinks In here.
Beakley- Well, I think Webby is going to love it.
Then Webby walked In.
Webby- Hey Dewey. Are you ready to go.
Dewey- Ya, just let me grab my jacket before we go.
Webby- Okay.
Then Dewey grad his jacket.
Dewey- Okay we can go now.
Beakley- Just be careful.
Webby- Okay granny.
Then they left and Launchpad was driving them to the park.
(15 minutes later.)
Launchpad stopped the limbo.
Dewey- Thank Launchpad for taking us to the park.
Launchpad- Your welcome buddy. I will pick you guys up, just give me a call.
Dewey- Okay.
Then Launchpad left.
Webby- Wowed. I can't believe that there so many people here to see a movie. Ohh what movie are we watching tonight?
Dewey- Oh it a surprise. Actually we are watching your favorite movie here.
Webby- What! Are you serious.
Dewey- Ya. It was playing this movie for tonight and I know you love that movie so... I make this basket for us to watch the movie.
Webby- I don't know what to say.
Dewey- How about we find somewhere to sit before the movie starts.
Webby- Right.
Then they find somewhere sit and Dewey put the blanket down and he starts getting the stuff out of the basket. Then the movie begins.
(1 hours 46 minutes later.)
The movie was over and everyone was clapping.
Webby- I can't believe that you planned this for us.
Dewey- Well, we haven't spent some time alone for a while and I want to do something for you and well... you already know.
Webby- This is the nicest thing everyone have done for me, thank you.
Then they look at each other and Webby kiss Dewey on his cheek. They both blush. So they watch the stars and later after that Launchpad pick them up and take them home.
The end.
So what do you guys think?
Also If you can find the name for this episode, that will mean a lot to me.
Anyway, I will see you guys later then.

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