S1 episode 11

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It was a hot summer day at McDuck mansion and it currently 96 degrees and it only getting hotter.
At McDuck mansion, Della was In the kitchen getting some water and the tv was on and the weather news is on.
Roxanne: This is Roxanne with the weather news. It currently 96 degrees right now but, when we go the afternoon it will get up to 104 degrees and this week is a record of the hottest it ever been. So be prepared If your power go out because, of extreme heat and your air conditioning it also stop if you put it on all the way. In other news Scrooge McDuck will hosting a fundraiser for the hospital of Duckburg this Saturday at Duckburg park. They will have music, food trucks, and must more. There will be special guests at the fundraiser and we will also have a special guest singers to sing at the fundraiser. So that's all I need to say. This is Roxanne and I will see you later the peoples of Duckburg.
(By the way this is Thursday on this episode on my DuckTales book.)
Daisy: Wow. Scrooge is going host a fundraiser for the hospital.
Della: Yea...
Then Della realized that Daisy is In the kitchen.
Della: Daisy... What are you doing here?
Daisy: Oh my powers went out of my place.
Della: Because, of the extreme heat?
Daisy: No. I forgot to pay my light bill.
Della: Oh...
Daisy: I am messing with you.
Della: Oh... ya I know you was messing with me.
Daisy: Anyway, where is everyone?
Della: Donald is working on his boat. Miss Beakley is around here somewhere. Scrooge take the kid to the money bin for the day.
Daisy: Oh so... It look like you got the hold mansion to your self today.
Della: Yea. I don't know what to do. I guess, I can work on the sun chaser.
Daisy: No. You need the day for your self Della. I mean, you been on the moon for what... 10 years?
Della: Yes. I was on the moon for 10 years and now I am back, I want to be the best mom for my boys.
Daisy: I know you want to be the best mom for your kids but, you got to remember that they are almost teenagers.
Della: Yeah... I know they are about to be teenagers and... I can't wait to see there teenagers years with them.
Daisy: And that's why you are already a great mom for your boys... You just need to be there for them when they are at there breaking point because, If you don't... You will be upset If you see your kids sad or depressed.
Della: Wow... how do you know so much about being... a parent?
Daisy: Oh... I have nieces that I take care of almost everyday.
Della: Wait... you have nieces.
Daisy: Yes. I keep them during the summer when there parents are busy with there jobs.
Della: And where are they right now?
Daisy: They are at there family vacation In Bahamas 🇧🇸.
Then Daisy got a message from the parents of her nieces.
Daisy: Speaking of... there parents told me that they are having a blast on there family vacation and they send me pictures.
Daisy show the pictures to Della.
Daisy: These 3 girls are my nieces. There names are April, May, and June.
Della: Wow... they are pretty young lady. They look so amazing In this picture.
Daisy: I know. I think they are about the same age as your boys.
Della: Really... do you think maybe you can invite your niece to McDuck mansion to hang out with the kids.
Daisy: Sure. I can tell them when they get back from there family vacation.
Della: That will be great.
Then Donald walked In the kitchen and he was sweating.
Donald: Hey girls.
Della: Hey Donald.
Daisy: Hey Sweetie.
Then Daisy hugs Donald and they kiss for a few seconds because, Donald is sweating.
Daisy: Dang babe. You are sweating.
Donald: Yea. I been working on the house boat.
Della: How it is going by the way?
Donald: Not good. The engine is not working and my A.C went out so, I have no A.C. to work In my house boat.
Della: Maybe I can hel...
Then Daisy was shaking her head at Della.
Della: I can't help you today... maybe you can asked Launchpad to help you.
Donald: I am not asking Launchpad to help me work on my house boat.
Daisy: Why not sweetie.
Donald: Because, he messed up like a lot and I don't have time to clean up his mess.
Della: Well, maybe I can ask Dewey to come home to keep In eye on Launchpad and that way...
Donald: Dewey can clean up Launchpad mess.
Della: Yes... Wait what now.
Donald: I can get Dewey to keep In eye on Launchpad and he can also clean up his mess too.
Della: Now wait... I said that Dewey can keep In eye on Launchpad not clean up his mess.
Donald: Okay. I will ask Launchpad If he want to help me work on my house boat.
Della: Good. Then I will ask Dewey to come home and keep In eye on him.
Donald: Okay.
Then Donald went back outside to his house boat.
Meanwhile at the money bin, Scrooge and the kids are In Scrooge money bin to see if it secured bin.
Huey: The money bin wall is only steel, right?
Scrooge: Yes. Steel wall was the only thing, I can get for my money bin.
Huey: You should get something stronger for it, like Vibranium.
Scrooge: Vibranium is hard to come find Huey.
Louie: Vibran...ium what?
Huey: Vibranium is a source energy and it pose to be impossible to break.
Lena: Wait you are saying that this Vibranium does exist?
Huey: Yes it exist but, it hard to find them because, originally of Vibranium are from Africa.
Violet: Africa?
Huey: Yes but, the problem is I don't know where the Vibranium are located. We know there In Africa but, the question is what country there are In Africa.
Dewey: Maybe we should go to Africa after this heat wave get done.
Then Della was calling Dewey.
Dewey: Oh... hey mom what up?
Della: Dewey, I need you to come home.
Dewey: Why?
Della: Your uncle Donald is working on his house boat and he ask Launchpad to help him and...
Dewey: You need someone to keep In eye on him... say no more mom. I will keep In eye on him.
Della: Good. Launchpad is picking you up so, he will be at the money bin In a few minutes.
Dewey: Okay.
Few minutes later Launchpad show up.
Launchpad: Hey Mr. McD
Scrooge: Hey Launchpad. What are you doing here?
Launchpad: Oh I am picking up Dewey because, I guess Della need him to do something.
Scrooge: Hmm... well, If Della need help with something then I guess Dewey can go back home.
Launchpad: Okay Mr.McD
Scrooge: Now remember Dewey, don't forget that you got that... you know what this Saturday and it very important you need to write a... you know what and get it done.
Dewey: Okay Uncle Scrooge.
Then Dewey got In the limbo and Launchpad drive away from the money bin.
Then Huey was In the parking garage and he was looking for Uncle Scrooge.
Huey: Uncle Scrooge!
Scrooge: Yes Huey?
Huey: Do you know where Dewey is?
Scrooge: Oh... Launchpad pick him up.
Huey: Really, why?
Scrooge: Because, Della need Dewey for something.
Huey: Hmm... okay.
Then Louie and Lena went In the parking garage to see where Dewey went and they are holding hands too while they are walking by each other.
Louie: Hey Uncle Scrooge! Do you know where Dewey is?
Huey: He already told me Louie.
Louie: Oh okay.
Then they saw Scrooge right at front of them, so Lena and Louie stop holding hands.
Scrooge: Where we're you two been?
Louie: Oh... well we were at... umm...
Lena: Your office because, we hear the phone ring and it was Bradford I think who was trying to call you.
Scrooge: Ugh Bradford... what does he want me to do this time?
Lena: We don't know... he just said that he will call you later today.
Scrooge: Hmm... okay. I guess, I will try called him now then.
Then he started walking away and he got out of the parking garage.
Lena: Umm... Louie, why did you stop holding hands with me?
Louie: Oh well... I umm...
Huey: Because, Louie haven't told Scrooge or any of our other family members that you guys are dating.
Lena: What?!
Louie: I didn't have any time to tell them about us yet.
Huey: Louie! You have plenty time to tell them about you and Lena are now dating.
Violet: Well... Lena didn't tell our parents that she is dating Louie.
Lena: Shut up Violet.
Louie: Wait you haven't told your dads about us?
Lena: They haven't bring it up and ask me if I am seeing someone.
Violet: She mean that she haven't bring it up to our dads that she is seeing someone.
Louie: Are you embarrassed to don't want to be around me?
Lena: No. I not embarrass to be around you Louie.
Then Lena was holding Louie hand.
Lena: Louie... the last few months have been honestly amazing... I haven't been this happy in a while and that's because, of you. You been sweet and kind and have treat me with respect and also, you are really good looking too.
Louie knocked his head.
Lena: I really care about you Louie.
Louie: I care about you too.
Then they started looking at each other and they kissed for a few seconds until they were interrupting by Huey.
Huey: Umm... guys I don't want to be rude but, we still have work that we need to get done so, let go.
Then the kids started walking and they finally got out of the parking garage.
Meanwhile back at Scrooge Mansion. Donald, Dewey, and Launchpad are working on the house boat and it was going great.
Launchpad: Okay Donald let see is the boat engine can start.
Then Donald starts the boat engine and it was working.
Donald: It worked.
Then the engine stop and then there were black smoke and it got on fire. Launchpad saw the engine was on fire so he grad a bucket of water and he put on the engine and the fire was taken care off.
Launchpad: Oh... well, at least the boat didn't got on fire.
Dewey: What happened, I was smelling something was smoking.
Donald: It was the engine that you was smelling.
Dewey: The engine... did the boat engine got on fire?
Launchpad: Yes it did. I thought, I got it work but, I guess I was wrong.
Donald: Yes... you were wrong...
Then Donald got mad and he is all red and he was running to Launchpad but, Dewey was holding Donald back.
Donald: When I get my hand on you, I am going to strangle you.
Dewey: Uncle Donald, you need to calm down.
Launchpad: Umm... so I am just going to leave so... bye.
Then Launchpad left the house boat and he got on his limbo and then he drove away.
Dewey: Dang it uncle Donald. Why did you have to threaten Launchpad?
Donald: It his fault that my house boat got on fire.
Dewey: You don't have to always blame him for everything he did wrong.
Donald: Well, maybe if he wasn't... know you dumb then my house boat would be fix by now.
Dewey: Okay. I think it rude to call my friend dumb.
Donald: Find I am sorry that I snapped on him.
Dewey: Don't say sorry to me. You need to say sorry to Launchpad.
Donald: Can't you do it for me.
Dewey: No.
Donald: Dewey, I have a date with Daisy tonight and I have to get ready for it so, can you please tell Launchpad that I am sorry for snapping on him?
Dewey: Find. I will tell him.
Donald: Thank you.
Then Dewey got out of the house boat and he was to Launchpad where he live. Dewey finally got to the place where Launchpad is living In.
Dewey: Launchpad are you there?
Launchpad didn't say anything. So Dewey open the door and he walked In and he started looking for Launchpad.
Dewey: Launchpad! Launchpad! Launchpad I know you are In here.
Launchpad: Launchpad is not here right now.
Dewey: Launchpad... I literally heard your voice.
Launchpad: Who is this Launchpad you speak of... this is... umm... Larry... Larry McQuack.
Dewey: Launchpad... I know you are speaking too.
Launchpad: Ugh...
Then Launchpad got out of the limbo.
Launchpad: Hey Dewey.
Dewey: What are you doing In here, Launchpad?
Launchpad: Nothing. Just hiding from your uncle Donald.
Dewey: My uncle Donald said he is sorry for snapping at you.
Launchpad: If your uncle was here, he would say his sorry so, why he sent you to say sorry from him.
Dewey: Because, he got a date with Daisy tonight and he was getting ready for the date.
Launchpad: Ah okay.
Dewey: He is sorry for snapping at you and hope you can forgive him.
Launchpad: Of course I can forgive him Dewey.
Dewey: Good. That's good to know.
Launchpad: Also, there is something that I need to ask you about.
Dewey: Sure. What it is Launchpad?
Launchpad: Dewey... Is there something going on that you haven't told anyone yet?
Dewey: Whaaat... no. There is nothing going on with me.
Dewey is lying to Launchpad.
Launchpad: Dewey you can tell me anything, right?
Dewey: Yes. You are right.
Then Dewey tell Launchpad what been actually going on with him.
Dewey: Sometimes I get kind of stressed and I can't catch my breath no big deal.
Then Launchpad realizes that Dewey get panic attacks.
Launchpad: Dewey that kind of sounds like panic attack.
Dewey: Yeah that's what Norman Goodman called it.
Launchpad: Who Norman Goodman?
Dewey: He is the guy I met at the park and he is a doctor.
Launchpad: Well, that's great you are seeing a doctor.
Dewey: I haven't went to the doctor. He was there wait you were here. I really don't want to keep having them but, I guess it doesn't matter when I want.
Launchpad: If there anything I can do.
Dewey: Yeah there's... don't tell Webby or any other of my family members.
Launchpad: Not even Della?
Dewey: I haven't told my mom about the panic attacks yet... I haven't have anytime to tell her because... this was post to be a surprise but, I am performing at park for the hospital fundraiser this Saturday night and I been writing some new song to sing at the fundraiser.
Launchpad: Okay. I promise not to tell anyone about you singing at the park for the fundraiser and won't tell anyone about your panic attack.
Dewey: Thank Launchpad... you really are my best friend.
Then Launchpad began to cry.
Launchpad: This... Is... the greatest day... of my life.
Then they hugged and he went back to the mansion and everyone was back at the mansion and Dewey saw Scrooge, Della, Donald, and miss Beakley In the front room and they are talking.
Scrooge: I got a call from Bradford and he told me that there is a threat coming to Duckburg and we don't know who it is.
Della: I know that the beagle boys was spotted In Cape Suzette junkyard couple weeks ago.
Donald: Why the beagle boys are In Cape Suzette?
Scrooge: They are probably looking for the diamond.
Della: Diamond?
Scrooge: There a diamond that can get you wishes and can tell the future too.
Donald: You don't think they are looking for that diamond?
Della: It possibly that they are looking for that diamond.
Miss Beakley: Yeah. But, what about Mark Beak, he attacked my Webby and your kids with his robot and hurt Dewey.
Della: You don't think that...
Scrooge: Mark Beak is working with someone to get revenge on our family? Yes, I think Mark is working with someone to get revenge on us but, the question is who want to get revenge on us?
Donald: We can worry about that later because, right now I have a date tonight with Daisy and she is...
Someone ring the doorbell.
Donald: That must be her.
Scrooge: Well, have fun then.
Donald: We will.
Then Donald and Daisy went to there date.
(Skipped the date and go to the end.)
Then it bed time and everyone went to bed.
Meanwhile at Glomgold office. Negaduck is calling someone to be part of his plan.
Falcon Graves: Hello... who is this? Why are you calling me at 1 o'clock In the morning.
Negaduck: I'm Negaduck. I am calling you because, I want to see If you want to be part of my plan to destroy Scrooge McDuck and his family.
Falcon Graves: Well... I can't say no to hurt the richest duck In the world.
Negaduck: Excellent.
Then Negaduck did a evil smile and he is doing a evil laugh.
The end.
What did you guys think of this episode. I know this episode is very late because, I was delaying it because, I been busy the past few weeks and I been dog sitting for my sister and her husband who is my brother In law.
Anyway that's all I need to say so, I will talk to you guys later then and hopefully I can see you again on my next episode of my DuckTales book.
Bye guys.

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