S1 Episode 9

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It was a beautiful morning at McDuck mansion.
Everyone was already up and having breakfast and then the door bell ring.
Scrooge: Hmm... look like the door bell ring.
Beakley: I wonder who could it be.
Then Beakley open the doors and it was Lena and Violet.
Lena and Violet: Hi miss Beakley.
Beakley: Hey girls. Did Webby know you girls was coming over here.
Lena: Not really... miss Beakley I need to talk to Webby about something and it very important.
Beakley: Oh okay. I will find her.
Webby was In her treehouse with Dewey and they were talking.
Webby: Wow I can't believe that over millions of people have listened to your new song.
Dewey: I know, right. We was In Atlanta couple of days ago and it was amazing.
Webby: I know. There were lot of stuff to see and we met Mia and her friends which they all seem nice.
Dewey: They are nice including Mia.
Webby: Speaking of her did you and Louie blush when you saw her?
Dewey: Whaaat? No. I didn't blush at her.
Webby: Then why were you blushing?
Then out of nowhere Dewey began to panic.
Dewey: Sorry Webby but, I have to use the restroom right now.
Webby: Oh okay.
Then Dewey got out of the treehouse and he went inside to use the bathroom but, he wasn't going to use the bathroom, Dewey was having a panic attack and he didn't want anyone to see that he was having a panic attack. Luckily the panic attack stopped and Dewey got him some water and he drink it and that make him feel a little bit better.
Then Someone knocked on that door.
Webby: Dewey... are you okay?
Dewey: Yes Webby. I am find.
Then Lena saw Webby.
Lena: Webby we need to talk.
Webby: Hey Lena, what going on?
Lena: We need to talk and it really important.
Webby: Oh okay.
Then the girls went into Webby room to talk.
Webby: Okay Lena what did you need to talk to me about?
Lena: Webby... me and Louie have been spending sometime together... and no I don't mean it like a friend thing. Like me and Louie hanging out like a couple that haven't been officially be a couple.
Webby: Lena... Louie have already told me.
Lena: I know you are going to be... wait what did you say?
Webby: Louie have already told me.
Lena: He did? When?
Webby: When we were heading back home from Atlanta. I was a little bit surprised that he told me and I am just happy that you guys can be actual couples.
Lena: Woah... hang on for a minute. Louie haven't asked me out on a date yet.
Then Someone was knocking on Webby door.
Webby: Who it is?
Louie: It me, Louie.
Webby: Oh okay.
Webby walked to the door and she opened It.
Webby: Hey Louie.
Louie: Hey Webby.
Webby: What are you doing?
Louie: Can I speak to Lena quickly.
Webby: Umm... sure. I will just leave you 2 alone then.
Then Webby left her room that way Louie and Lena can talk.
Lena: What do you need to talk to me about, Louie?
Louie: Lena... I have a crush on you and I really like a lot and I scared to tell you because, I didn't know that you think of me like that and...
Then Lena grad Louie hand and she said something that will shock you guys.
Lena: I have a crush on you too, Louie.
Louie: You do?
Lena: Yes. For a while I was thinking about you and I couldn't get you off of my mind. I want to be with you Louie. If we are friends, best friend, or even... lovers I will always want to be with you.
Then they were holding hands and then they kissed for a few seconds.
Louie: So will you say yes If I asked you out on a date.
Lena: Yes I will go out with you.
Then they kissed again.
Webby: I can't believe that my best friend is going to be dating my best friend brother.
Webby heard everything that was going on In her room. She was literally at her door listening to the conversation between Louie and Lena.
Lena: Come on Webby, you can come out now.
Then Webby open the door and she immediately hugs Lena and Louie.
Webby: I can't believe that you guys are going to be dating now. I am so happy for both of you.
Louie and Lena: Thank Webby.
Webby: I wish, I can find someone like that who make me really happy.
Lena: Don't worry Webby. I think there is a guy out there who is looking for a girl like you.
Webby: Really, you think there is a guy waiting for me right now.
Lena: Maybe. I don't know about that but, I do know If you like someone then you should make the first move.
Webby: Oh okay.
Meanwhile In Scrooge Laboratory, Gyro and Fenton are making a new gizmoduck suit and they are also building a top secret project too.
Fenton: Okay Dr Gyro. I just got done upgrading my suit and now should be good for now.
Gyro: Good job Fenton. Mr Scrooge will be happy at that.
Fenton: Speaking of Mr Scrooge, are we going to tell about the secret project that we are working on?
Gyro: Not yet, Assistant. We have more work to get done before we can start to Scrooge about this secret project that you are working on.
Fenton: Okay Dr Gyro.
Then all of the sudden the door opened and it was Huey who was at the door.
Huey: Hi guys.
Fenton: Huey!? What are you doing here?
Huey: Uncle Scrooge drop me off because, he have a meeting and he can't take me home.
Fenton: What about Launchpad?
Huey: Launchpad crash the limbo and he can't get it fix right now.
Fenton: Does he always crash the limbo.
Huey: Yes he does do that a lot but, this time the limbo can't get the engine to start so, it might be a bit before someone pick me up.
Fenton: Oh... okay.
Huey: Anyway, what are you working on right now?
Fenton: We are working on my gizmoduck suit.
Huey: Again. I thought you worked on your suit last time I was here?
Fenton: I did. But, I have to make some upgrades to my suit.
Then Huey saw something under the sheets.
Huey: Woah... what is that under the sheets.
Fenton: That's classified right now. Sorry, I can't tell because, If I did Dr Gyro will fired me.
Huey: It okay Fenton. I won't say this to anyone.
Fenton: Okay.
Then Fenton is telling Huey about his secret project that he is working on for Scrooge McDuck.
Fenton: Huey, I am building something to protect the city of Duckburg.
Huey: What it is?
Then Fenton show Huey what he is building. It look like a another Gizmoduck suit but, it a small version of it.
Fenton: So Huey what do you think of the secret project.
Huey: Well, it look... great Fenton it just that this gizmoduck suit is small for you to fit In.
Fenton: That suit is not for me Huey.
Huey: What do you mean Fenton?
Fenton: Look Huey... I can't protect this city by myself. There are more crimes getting committed everyday and I can't stop those thief.
Huey: But, you are not alone Fenton. You have Drake who can help you.
Fenton: Ya he can help but, I can't called him every single time that I do need help. So I make this small suit for a kid that I can mentor them of how to be a superhero and be my sidekick.
Huey: Really!? You think that I can be your sidekick?
Fenton: Woah... hang on for a second Huey. I didn't find any candidates yet to be my sidekick but, I will let you know when I do.
Huey: Okay.
Meanwhile back at the mansion, Webby is helping Lena because, she and Louie are going on there first date tonight and they are both nervous about it.
Webby: I can't believe that you are going on your first official date.
Lena: Date... yay.
Webby: What it is Lena?
Lena: It nothing.
Webby: I thought you was happy going on your first date with Louie.
Lena: I am happy.
Webby: Then what the problem.
Lena: It just that... I am nervous that all.
Webby: I understand Lena. It was hard for me to go out In public because, I am publicly awkward and my social skills isn't the best either but, I have friends who help me with my problems and now I am good with social skills and other stuff too.
Then the girls started laughing.
Lena: Ya that helped me a little bit. Thank pink.
Webby: Your welcome, Lena.
Then they hugged.
Then someone was knocking on Webby door.
Webby: Ohh I wonder who could that be.
It was Louie. Who was wearing a green jacket and nice blue Jean.
Webby: Hey Louie. Nice jacket.
Louie: Thank. I just hope that Lena will like it.
Then Lena got out of the bathroom and she was wearing a black skirt and black jacket for wearing black shoe.
Louie: Wow. Lena you look, amazing.
Lena blush.
Lena: Thank. You look not so bad your self.
Louie blush.
Louie: Thank. So are you ready for our date.
Lena: Yes I am.
Webby: Have fun on your date.
Louie and Lena: Thank. We will.
Louie and Lena went to Funzo and they played a lot of arcade games and they have free drinks and pizza for there dinner and then they went to see there favorite movie about moral monsters and then they were walking home, we can see that they are holding hands and then they got home.
Lena: Wow. This was amazing date, Louie.
Louie: Thank. I trying to figure out of what to do for our first date and Dewey told me to take you to our favorite location.
Lena: Really, Dewey said not?
Louie: Well, not most of it but, I know what he mean.
Lena: So is there going to be a second date?
Louie: Yes there will be a second date.
Lena: I will see you tomorrow then.
Louie: Okay Lena.
Then they look at each other and they kissed.
Lena: Good night.
Louie: Umm... ya good night.
The end.
What did you guys think of this episode? Was it good? Did you have any favorites moments In that episode?
Anyway, that all I am saying and I will see you guys later then.
Bye guys.

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