S1 Episode 8/ Going to Atlanta part 2

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At Brasstown, Victor and Benji are making coffee and they are having a conversation.
Victor: I can't believe that summer is almost over.
Benji: I know. It just like last year we were making coffee, holding hands at the fire and watching fireworks up at the shy.
Victor: Benji... that did happen last year.
Benji: I know but, I am saying look what happened the last few months. Rahim help me with my math homework and I don't have to be hold back now.
Victor: Lucy and Lake are now together and we... are...
Then Victor look at Benji and they kiss for a couple of seconds.
Then Felix saw them kissing.
Felix: Hey I don't want to follow you but, I got a text from Lake.
Victor: What did she say?
Felix: Well, Mia is throwing a party for her dad if he do get the job and we are all invited.
Victor: Sweet.
Benji: I can pick you guys up at your apartment building.
Victor: Yes that will be great.
Felix: If you are going to pick us up then, can I bring Pilar to ride with us?
Benji: Sure. The car can hold like 6 people so, ya I she can come with us.
Felix: Cool.
Meanwhile Scrooge and the kids are at Atlanta and talking about there plan.
Scrooge: Okay here is the plan for today. Me and Launchpad will meet Harold Brooks at his house.
Donald: I will take Daisy shopping.
Della: I will take the kids somewhere fun.
Scrooge: Okay. It looks like everyone got a plan then.
Launchpad: Mr McD, the limousine is ready for you.
Scrooge: Good. Well, I have to go.
Della: Be careful Uncle Scrooge.
Scrooge: Don't worry lad I will be just fine.
Then Scrooge got In the limousine and it took off.
Della: Alright, kids get In the jeep.
Huey, Dewey, and Louie: Okay mom.
Webby: Okay Della.
Then everyone got In the jeep and they took off too.
Meanwhile at Harold house. Harold got a phone call from Scrooge.
Harold: Hello.
Scrooge: Hi. Is this Harold Brooks.
Harold: Yes this is Harold Brooks. Who are you?
Scrooge: This is Scrooge McDuck.
Harold: Wait... Your the Scrooge McDuck?
Scrooge: Yes I am. Anyway, I am trying to find your house but, I can't.
Harold: Oh... I will get you directions to my house.
Harold is sending Scrooge his address.
Harold: Okay you should get it now.
Scrooge: Ya, I got it now. So, I will be there In 5 minutes to talk about your interview.
Harold: Okay.
(Okay so we are going to skip the meeting part. So Harold got the job and Scrooge did mention about the kids. So Harold tell Mia that she is going to hang out with Scrooge great nephew and there friend.)
Meanwhile back in Duckburg at Violet and Lena house, the girls was In there room talking about there friends and other stuff.
Violet: I can't believe that Webby and the McDuck family are going to Atlanta.
Lena: I know, I just hope that Louie is having a good time.
Violet: He probably is having a good time.
Violet know that Lena is hiding something from her and she is going to find out. So, Violet ask Lena a question.
Violet: Lena, is there something going on with you?
Lena: What do you mean?
Violet: The last few weeks you been happy, like really happy. So, I am wondering if you are... maybe seeing someone or dating someone because, everyone back including Louie.
Lena: No. That is not true.
Violet: Then what are you hiding.
Lena: Find... I was going to wait to tell you after Webby get back from Atlanta.
Violet: What going on.
Lena: Okay... I am seeing someone.
Violet: Wait really? Who?
Lena: It.... Louie. Me and Louie been seeing each other for a while now.
Violet: What!!! You and Louie are dating?
Lena: We ain't officially dating yet but, If Louie tell his brother about us.
Violet: Wait, Louie is going to tell his brother that you guys been seeing each other.
Lena: Yes. Look Violet, I really like Louie. I have never feel this way for anyone, except the day I met Louie. I never know what there feeling were but, now I know what those feelings mean. I want to be with Louie.
Violet: I am just stocked that you didn't tell me earlier.
Lena: So, you are not mad at me for keeping a secret from you.
Violet: I did got a little upset but, now I know why you was keeping a secret from me because, you have a crush on a boy that have every In common with you.
Lena: That is true. We do have everything in common.
Violet: Well, I am glad that you finally tell me that you like Louie.
Lena: I know.
Violet: So, how long you and Louie been... together?
Lena: 3 months.
Violet: 3 months!
Lena: Look, just don't tell anyone about this yet.
Violet: I won't tell anyone, Lena.
Lena: Good.
Meanwhile back in Atlanta, Mia is at the Brasstown waiting for everyone else arrive but, then the kids show up.
Della: Here we are.
Louie: So, we are meeting this Mia girl at a coffee shop called Brasstown.
Huey: Well, according to this website I found on my phone, they make the best coffee In Atlanta.
Louie: Looking at the price they are very expensive.
Donald: It that expensive then it must be very good coffee then.
Daisy: This coffee place look amazing.
Launchpad: Okay here we are.
Della: Thank Launchpad for taking us here.
Launchpad: Your welcome Ms Duck.
Della: Launchpad, I told you 100 times you can called me Della.
Launchpad: Okay... Della. So, I will see you guys at the party.
Della: Yes. We will see you back at Harold house.
Launchpad: Okay.
Then Launchpad left.
Della: Okay. So me, Donald, and Daisy are going to the mall to shop for a bit until it time to go to the party. I want you guys to stay close to Mia, okay.
Boys: Yes mom.
Webby: Yes Della.
Della: Good. So, Huey I am putting you In charge so If anything bad happens just let me know and I will be there to pick you guys up or come to stay the day.
Huey: Okay mom.
Then Della, Donald, and Daisy left to go to the mall.
Huey: Well, we should go In before something happens.
Then Dewey opened the door and Webby was at the front of the door.
Dewey: Lady go first.
Then Webby blushes.
Webby: Thank you kind, gentleman.
Then Dewey blush.
Then everyone got In the coffee shop and they don't see Mia until she way her hands at them.
Huey: Is that Mia.
Louie: Wow... she is hot.
Webby: Louie!!!
Louie: What.... Oh come one, I am not the only one to think that Mia is hot, right?
Dewey and Huey didn't say anything.
Louie: Oh screw you guys.
Then They walked up to Mia.
Huey: You must be Mia. Hi I am Huey Duck.
Louie: Hi. I am Louie Duck. I am also a business man and I am a lady man.
Mia: I know you guys are expecting your brother Dewey. Me and my friend are fan of your music.
Dewey: Thank. That mean a lot to me.
Mia: Aww that's so cute.
Then Dewey blush.
Louie: Guess who is blushing now.
Dewey: Shut up, Louie.
Mia: And who are you?
Webby: Oh right. I am Webby Vanderquack, my granny is Mr Scrooge house keeper.
Mia: Ah okay. Well, it finally good to meet you all.
Huey: You too.
Webby: So... where is everyone else.
Mia: They are about here but, I have few friends who work here too. Do you guys want to meet them.
Kids: Sure.
Mia: Okay. I will get them over here.
Then Mia wave Victor and Benji to come over to her table.
Mia: They are coming.
Then they are walking up to Mia table.
Victor: Hey Mia.
Benji: Hey Mia.
Mia: Hey guys. I want you to meet Huey, Dewey, Louie Duck and Webby Vanderquack.
Huey: Hi. It nice to meet you guys.
Victor: You too.
Louie: Nice hairstyle.
Benji: Thank. Right back at you.
Webby didn't say anything.
Webby thought: OMG... those boys are so hot. Wait, did I say hot... I mean ugly... I mean.... No they are hot boys.
Huey: So what grade are you guys In.
Victor: We are all Senior In High School.
Webby thought: Well, at least they are In High School but, If they wasn't In high school I would probably like them over Dewey... but I still picked Dewey over them.
Mia: Oh Benji did you know that Dewey is a singer too.
Benji: What no way that so cool. What type of music do you sing.
Dewey: I can sing every song but, I mostly do pop songs.
Benji: Same. I do pop song well, me and my band do pop song.
Dewey: Wait, you are In a band?
Benji: Yes. We sing here at Brasstown from time to time.
Louie: How good are you guys?
Victor: Well, I wouldn't say they are the best band In Atlanta but, probably the best high school band In Atlanta and they have a amazing and gorgeous musician.
Benji: Thank hon.
Victor: Your welcome bae.
Dewey: Bae.
Webby: Hon.
Mia: Oh ya I forgot to tell you that they are....
Huey: Gay.
Webby: Huey!!! That is rude to say out loud.
Huey: But, that is the right term Webby. It homosexual is a long term for gay.
Louie: So you... are dating him.
Victor: Yes. We been dating for a while now.
Benji: And we are so happy that we found each other and I don't what to do If Victor wasn't In my life.
Webby: Aww that is so sweet.
Mia: Ya that is very sweet.
Webby: I wish, I could find someone like that who will always care about me.
Dewey thought: I could be that someone for Webby.
Then Felix, Lake, Lucy, and Pilar came In and saw there friends talking to kids.
Benji: Look like everyone is here now.
Victor: Finally.
Then Felix, Lake, Lucy, and Pilar went to the table that there friends are sitting In.
Mia: Hey guys.
Lake: Hey Mia.
Felix: Who are these kids.
Louie: Hey we are not kids.
Dewey: Ya we are teenagers.
Felix: Wait you guys are teenagers.
Huey: Technically we are 12 and we are going 13 In a few months.
Felix: Okay. Anyway, who are these kids.
Mia: Oh that Huey, Dewey, Louie Ducks and that girl is Webby Vanderquack.
Felix: Ah okay.
Lake: Wait, did you just say Duck.
Benji: Now you mention it. Are you guys related to Donald Duck?
Boys: Yes.
Huey: Donald Duck is our uncle.
Dewey: Our mom is Della Duck.
Louie: Our great grand uncle is Scrooge McDuck.
Felix: Wait, your great grand uncle is Scrooge McDuck, the richest Duck in the world and probably the richest person In the world too.
Louie: Ya he is very rich.
Lucy: What are you guys doing here?
Webby: There Uncle Scrooge have a interview he had to do so, he take all of us to go to Atlanta and it been amazing so far.
Victor: Interview? Do you who he is interview?
Mia: It was my dad. Ya he told me that he had a interview and he want me to hangout with his nephew and there friends.
Lake: Do you know how the interview went?
Mia: He told me that he got the job and he is going to take it.
Lucy: What does that mean?
Victor: Are you moving to Duckburg?
Mia: Well, he said that we don't have to move to Duckburg. Because, Scrooge is building a headquarters for his company.
Kids: Wait what?!
Benji Did you guys know about this?
Huey: No. This is the first time that we are hearing this.
Dewey: Was Uncle Scrooge hiding this from us?
Webby: Guys Scrooge wasn't going to hide this from us. He was probably going to tell us when he was ready.
Dewey: I guess that makes sense.
Mia: Anyway, I think it time for the party.
Victor: Oh ya I forgot that you was having a party If you dad get the job.
Louie: Party! I like that sound of that.
Dewey: Can we go to the party?
Mia: Sure. You guys can come to the party.
Dewey: Awesome.
(Alright so, we are going to skip to the party and this where Dewey will sing his new song that he wrote.)
So at the party, everyone was having a great time. Huey is on the couch and freaking out. Louie is talking to the lady. Dewey is talking to Webby outside but, Mia said that people want to hear Dewey sing.
Mia: Come on Dewey, everyone is waiting for you.
Then Dewey grab his guitar and then he got on a chair.
Dewey: What sup Atlanta. I'm Dewey Duck and I am going to sing a song for you guys tonight.
Then everyone was clapping.
Dewey: The new song I wrote is called, "Hey, Soul Sister." I hope you guys like it.
(Dewey is singing Hey, Soul Sister by Train. Also Dewey is playing Hey, Soul Sister on his guitar.)
Dewey: Hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Your lipstick stains
On the front lobe of my left side brains
I knew I wouldn't forget you
And so I went and let you blow my mind
Your sweet moonbeam
The smell of you in every single dream I dream
I knew when we collided
You're the one I had decided who's one of my kind
Hey, soul sister
Ain't that Mr. Mister on the radio, stereo
The way you move ain't fair you know
Hey, soul sister
I don't wanna miss a single thing you do tonight
Hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Just in time
I'm so glad you have a one track mind like me
You gave my life direction
A game show love connection we can't deny
I'm so obsessed
My heart is bound to beat right out of my untrimmed chest
I believe in you, like a virgin you're madonna
And I'm always gonna wanna blow your mind
Hey, soul sister
Ain't that Mr. Mister on the radio, stereo
The way you move ain't fair you know
Hey, soul sister
I don't wanna miss a single thing you do tonight
The way you can cut a rug
Watching you is the only drug I need
So gangsta, I'm so thug
You're the only one I'm dreaming of
You see, I can be myself now finally
In fact, there's nothing I can't be
I want the world to see
You'll be with me
Hey, soul sister
Ain't that Mr. Mister on the radio, stereo
The way you move ain't fair you know
Hey, soul sister
I don't wanna miss a single thing you do tonight
Hey, soul sister
I don't wanna miss a single thing you do tonight
Hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Everyone was clapping and cheering. Then Dewey got off the chair and when to his new friend.
Mia: Wow dewey that was amazing.
Benji: Ya, you might be a better singer then me.
Webby: Great job Dewey, as always.
Dewey: Thank Webby.
Andrew: Let get this party started.
(We are going to skip the party scene and we are just going to the end scene.)
So the party was crazy, people were drinking and they drink way to much but, anyway the party was over and kids are leaving and they said that Mia and her friends can visit the kids anytime they want.
So on the plane Louie have something to say to Webby.
Louie: Webby, can I talk to you for a second?
Webby: Sure.
Then they went to the kids secret hideout and they talked.
Webby: Okay Louie, what do you want to talk about?
Louie: Webby... I been seeing Lena.
Webby: Okay...
Louie: I mean, we been hanging out.
Webby: Okay... you guys hangout all the time.
Louie: Okay... me and Lena have feelings for each other and we been a thing for months and you guys didn't even know about.
Webby: Wait... You and Lena are dating?
Louie: Yes. No. I mean, we been seeing each other but, it complicates right now.
Webby: I just can't believe that you guys was hiding this from me and your brothers.
Louie: Oh I sorry but, I wasn't the one who kissed my brother In the front room.
Webby: You saw that?
Louie: Yes.
Webby: Look, I know that I have a huge crush on your brother and I want to tell Dewey how I feel but... every time I do try to tell my feelings, I get nervous and I act like a doofus. I want to be normal and tell Dewey that I like him.
Louie: Webby... you are not a doofus. You are the smartest and the nicest person I have ever met and normal is overrated. Dewey have told you that being normal is overrated.
Webby: Yes he did said that.
Louie: Look, I sorry not telling you guys about me and Lena.
Webby: Well, I am glad that she is happy to be with someone that she cares about.
Then Louie blush.
Louie: Lena said that?
Webby: Yes she did. Anyway, I am going to take a nap.
Louie: Okay.
After that they got home and everyone went to bed.
In Duckburg somewhere In the darkness Glomgold was talking to Mama Beagle.
Glomgold: Hello. Is this Mama Beagle.
Mama Beagle: Yes. Who am I speaking to.
Glomgold: The name is Glomgold,
Mama Beagle: Ah so you are Scrooge McDuck rival.
Glomgold: That's right. So I have a offer of a life time for you and your boys.
Mama Beagle: I am listening.
The End.
So did you guys enjoy this episode. I know it been a while since I was working on my book but, don't worry I will worked on my book daily so, I will see you guys next time then.

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