S1 Episode 4

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It was a beautiful morning at McDuck mansion. Della and Donald are In the kitchen making breakfast and they were talking about last night.
Della: I can't believe that Dewey sing last night.
Donald: Ya, I can't believe that he was keeping this from up. I mean, I am glad that he finally got a chance to sing. I been telling him that he need to enter Duckburg talent show for years.
Della: Wait you know that he want to sing for years and you are telling me now.
Donald: Well to be honest, you were suck on the moon for 10 years and he didn't want to tell you until he was ready.
Meanwhile back In boys room Dewey got up first and he took his to the bathroom to take a shower. Then Louie got up and he changed very quickly and then Lena knocked on the door.
(Knocked, knocked, knocked.)
Louie: Who could be knocking on our door earlier In the morning?
Louie opened the door and it was Lena.
Louie: Lena?! Why are you knocking on my door early In the morning?
Lena: Because, we need to talk right now.
Then Lena take Louie hand and took him to Webby room.
Then Lena opened the door.
Lena: I got him.
Violet: I can't believe you.
Louie: Woah... what going on?
Violet: Did you post Dewey singing last night?
Louie: What! No! I didn't do that.
Lena: Then how come you was In that video?
Louie: I don't know... maybe someone else was recording Dewey. Look I respect my brother to not post of him singing.
Violet: Well, at least you was being nice to his request.
Louie: Well, that won't matter because, Dewey is going to blame me for it.
Violet: Look, we can fix this. Dewey is taking a shower so, that give us plenty time to make a discussion.
Lena: Well, you can do that while I am going to talk to Louie a little bit longer.
Violet: Okay. Take your time.
Then Lena grad Louie hand and they went to the garage.
Louie: Oh... great I am still going to get yell at.
Lena: What! No. I wasn't going to yell at you.
Louie: Then why are we here then?
Lena: Well, I was going to say that... It cute that you care about your brother.
Louie: Eww... come on.... Ya like I care about my brother.
Lena: Yes. I think you care about your brother.
Louie: I don't. They are... annoying.
Lena: They... can be annoying. But, I know In... my heart that you do care about me.
Louie: Like friends?
Lena: No. More then just friends.
Then Lena lean In to Louie and they kissed for a few seconds.
Both: Wow!
Louie: That was...
Lena: Actually pretty good.
Then they look at each other but, then Scrooge was walking and he hear something.
Scrooge: What is that sound coming from?
Louie: It Uncle Scrooge. We got to get out before he caught us In here.
Then Louie grad Lena hand and they got out of garage and they went back In Webby room but, they didn't know that she got back In her room.
Lena: We are back Violet.
Webby: Violet went downstairs talked to Huey.
Lena: Oh... well, I was going to talk to her...
Webby: About you guys hiding videos of Dewey singing.
Louie: Wait... how did you know that...
Webby: I have my way.
Lena: Violet told you, didn't she?
Webby: Ya.
Lena: She can't keep a secret to save her life.
Webby: I should be mad at both of you but, I don't want Dewey to worry.
Then Dewey walked In.
Dewey: Worry about what?
Webby: Umm... nothing.
Dewey: Hmm... Okay.
Louie: Why is your hair wet.
Dewey: I was taking a shower.
Violet: Then why are you wearing a towel around your hips and somatic?
Dewey: Well, I am wearing my boxers but, I don't like body to be show In public.
Lena: But, we are all friends here.
Dewey: Ya... well I am going to put on some clothes now.
Then he left and Webby was blushing.
Louie: Webby, are you blushing?
Webby: What no. It just that is hot In here. So, I am just going downstairs then.
Then Webby went downstairs and it was just Louie and Lena In Webby room alone.
Louie: Well, it just us 2 again.
Lena: Yup.... So do you want to... go back where we left off In the garage.
Louie: Well, I mean news isn't on yet so... I think we can...
Then Lena kiss Louie and he kiss back. Then they went In Webby other room and they continued kissing for 15 minutes.
(15 minutes later.)
The news was on and Scrooge was watching and he heard something and he couldn't believe it...
Scrooge: Everyone come to the living room!
Della: Okay.
Donald: What going on?
Miss Beakley: Why do you want all of us for?
Then the kids showed up.
Huey: What going on?
Then news channel is back on live.
Roxanne: This is Roxanne Featherly with breaking news. Last night at McDuck mansion, someone posted this video of Scrooge great nephew Dewey Duck singing and it went viral.
Everyone: What!
Roxanne: This video got over 2 millions view and over thousands of comments. Dewey Duck you are a overnight internet sensation.
Dewey was so stocked that he can't even talk.
Della: My son is a internet sensation.
Scrooge: What the blazes that pose to mean?
Huey: It mean, he is famous over the internet.
Lena: Wow!
Webby: Millions of people know who you are now.
Louie: Millions of money.
Lena: millions of collected valuable.
Donald: This is something that I didn't expect to happen this quick.
Violet: Someone really liked your singing voice.
Webby: Dewey. Are you okay?
Dewey: Ya... I am... just stocked that all.
Webby: Are you not happy?
Dewey: No... I have no words what so ever. I am famous now.
Huey: Technically you are famous on the internet but, yes you are famous now.
Della: So what are you going to do about this sweetie.
Dewey: I don't know mom. I mean, I love to sing but, I need someone to record me singing and I also need a manager and...
Louie: Don't worry Dewey. Me and Hubert can help you.
Dewey: Really?
Louie: Ya. Huey can be your camera man and I can be your manager.
Dewey: Course you want to be my manager.
Louie: Hey we haven't make a deal yet. It your decision If you want us to help you.
Dewey: Can I think about this.
Huey: Sure. Take long ask you want.
Then Dewey went outside and so did Webby.
Lena: Why did Webby went out side?
Violet: I don't know. Maybe she want to follow Dewey to see where he is going I guess.
Lena: I guess that make sense.
Huey: They are best friends.
Meanwhile Dewey was at the park talking to himself.
Dewey: Wow! I can't believe I am famous. But, does it seem odd that this is happening so fast. I mean, I know that I am a great singer but, I don't know If I am ready to be famous yet. I am about to be a teenager and all of my emotions are getting confused and I don't know how to control it.
Then Webby walked to him.
Webby: Hey Dewey.
Dewey: Oh... hey Webby.
Webby: What are you doing?
Dewey: I don't know thinking?
Webby: Thinking about what?
Dewey: Everything. I am famous now Webby and I don't know how I feel about it. I am happy but, also scared that something is going to happen.
Webby: I will should you that nothing will ever happen to you.
Dewey: I not scared of that. I am scared that someone is going to happen with my family. I mean, this is putting a target In my family. Our enemies still want us gone or... worst.
Webby: Well, the beagles boys been gone for a while now, Mark been working on his new project, Flint... well, he only hate Scrooge. I don't think you have to worry about them any time soon.
Dewey: Well... I am also... worrying... about you.
Webby: Me? Why are you worried about me?
Dewey: Because, I care about you Webby.
Then Dewey was holding Webby hand.
Webby: Thank Dewey. I care about you too.
Then they look at each other for a few minutes and then Webby said.
Webby: Do you want to say here for a little bit longer.
Dewey: I would love too.
Then they we're holding hand and looking around at the beautiful park In Duckburg.
Meanwhile out of know where there is a shadow underneath the sowers.
Negaduck: So... Mr McDuck is working with Darkwing Duck now umm... Well, It look like I got a new enemies to add to my list then.
Then he write it on his lists and it said.
Negaduck: Destroy Drake Mallards and Mc Duck families.
The end.
( Hey guys. Sorry I haven't been writing my book lately but, I been very busy and now I got it done. I hope you guys like this episode and I will see you later then.)
Okay see ya later.

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